Tonsillitis Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

The tonsils, which are lymphoid tissues located in the back of the nose and inside the throat, are composed of tonsils of the tongue,...

Hepatitis A Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Hepatitis occurs when the liver, which performs important functions such as metabolism of various metabolism and hormones, secretion of bile acids and detoxification, which...

Hypothyroidism Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

The thyroid gland, an endocrine organ located at the front of the neck and attached to the trachea and larynx, plays an important role...

7 Protein-Rich Foods That Can Help You Build Muscle

Protein, which is well known as the three major nutrients along with carbohydrates and fats, occupies the second largest amount in our body after...

Migraine Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Headache, which refers to pain that occurs in several areas such as the occipital region and temple, including the forehead, is classified into primary...

4 Main Glutamine Benefits And Foods That Are High In Glutamine

Glutamine is a type of non-essential amino acid that composes proteins, and is synthesized from ammonia and glutamic acid in various tissues in the...

Problems caused by homocysteine ​​and nutrients to reduce it

Proteins in many foods, such as meat, eggs, cheese and milk, contain an essential amino acid called methionine. In a normal case, methionine is...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms, treatment and prevention

The prostate, which is located under the bladder and is one of the male reproductive organs that surrounds the urethra, plays an important role...

What causes freckles and how to get rid of them

Freckle refers to the irregular deposition of dark brown pigment on the exposed areas of the face such as the forehead, nose, and cheekbones...

4 Main Tamarind Benefits and Side Effects

Tamarind belongs to the dicotyledonous family Rosaceae, and is an evergreen tree native to tropical Asia and North Africa. It has a unique taste...

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