Home Health Tonsillitis Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Tonsillitis Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment


The tonsils, which are lymphoid tissues located in the back of the nose and inside the throat, are composed of tonsils of the tongue, pharyngeal tonsils, and palatine tonsils. I can. Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the palatine tonsils due to various causes, and is classified into acute tonsillitis and chronic tonsillitis depending on the diagnosed condition.

The main cause of tonsillitis is infection by various viruses such as influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, and echo virus, including causative bacteria such as staphylococcus, pneumococcus, and streptococcus. It mainly occurs in acute form when the immune function, which plays a role in blocking the factors that enters from the outside and causes infection, is weakened. In particular, it is known that it mainly occurs during the changing seasons, when the immune function of the body tends to decline due to the influence of the changing seasons. Now, let’s take a closer look at the main symptoms of tonsillitis, as well as various information on treatment and prevention.

The main symptoms of tonsillitis

When tonsillitis occurs, symptoms such as a sudden high fever of 38°C or higher, chills and sore throat occur. These symptoms may also make it difficult to swallow or eat food, and may cause pain. In addition, systemic symptoms such as severe fatigue, joint pain, and headache may occur, and sticky and thick mucus may be secreted on the surface of the mouth and tongue.

The main symptoms of tonsillitis are similar to those of a sore throat. In addition, after several systemic symptoms are accompanied, there are many cases of improvement after 4 to 6 days. However, if there is no cure and the symptoms get worse, the inflammation spreads to the area around the tonsils, causing enlarged lymph nodes, and swelling around the tonsils can cause airway obstruction. In addition, heart and neck infections caused by worsening symptoms of tonsillitis can spread the inflammation throughout the body, which can spread to the lungs, brain, and heart, and can lead to diseases such as sepsis in which an inflammatory reaction occurs throughout the body. . Therefore, it is important to receive an accurate diagnosis and examination through a visit to a hospital for early treatment when signs of suspected occurrence appear.

Tonsillitis Treatment and Prevention

1. Diagnosis and appropriate treatment

For tonsillitis, various tests such as a bacterial culture test or a pharyngeal smear are performed to confirm the exact symptoms and identify the source of infection. In addition, tests such as CT may be done to check for complications such as deep neck infections and the formation of abscesses. And according to the diagnosis result, treatment is carried out by dividing it into non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatment involves drug treatment such as antibiotics and appropriate conservative treatment to remove inflammation and relieve symptoms. In the case of persistent recurrence due to chronicity despite these conservative treatments, surgical treatment such as tonsillectomy may be considered.

2. Hygiene management

The most important thing in preventing tonsillitis is to pay more attention to hygiene. In particular, it is very important to wash your hands thoroughly and cleanly using soap or detergent, as the hands are a major medium that accounts for a significant portion of infections caused by various causative bacteria and viruses. In addition, paying more attention to oral hygiene, such as brushing teeth or gargling after meals, is also an important management habit for the prevention of tonsillitis. And when symptoms of tonsillitis occur, it is important to keep the oral mucosa moist by drinking enough water while proceeding with the various treatments mentioned above.

3. Implementation of eating habits and lifestyle to increase immunity

Tonsillitis is a major cause of infection due to weakened immunity, so it is important to continue eating habits and lifestyle to help boost immunity. It is important to prevent weakening of immunity and reduce stress by getting enough rest and sleep. In addition, it is very important to consume fresh vegetables and fruits that are rich in various vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity.

In addition, it is also important to eat a variety of foods that are excellent for reducing inflammation in the bronchial tubes, including the tonsils, in preventing tonsillitis and alleviating symptoms. Various foods such as bellflower, deodeok, pear, and radish are good foods for the tonsils, so it is good to consume them regularly.

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