Alopecia areata Causes and Symptoms Treatment Information

Hair loss refers to the physiological loss of hair, and it is stipulated that it is normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs...

5 Tips on how to raise body temperature

Body temperature, which refers to the internal temperature of the body, is one of the important indicators of the current state of health. Body...

5 best plant-based protein foods that you should eat

Protein, the second largest component of the body after water, is a high molecular weight organic substance made by combining a large number of...

6 Tips On How To Help Suppress Your Appetite

Appetite, the desire to eat food, can be said to be the most basic sense for life activities. After the ingested food goes through...

5 Foods That Should Not Be Taken With Medicine

Medicines should be taken to cure disease quickly, but in some cases, the type of food eaten can cause problems. No matter how good...

6 Foods That Will Boost Your Memory

The brain is the highest central organ that integrates the nervous system. It is surrounded by abundant vascular tissues and three layers of meninges...

Digital dementia symptoms and 3 prevention methods

Various digital devices, including smartphones, are tools that make our daily life convenient. From waking up in the morning until going to sleep, it...
4 Sea grape benefits and side effects

4 Sea grape benefits and side effects

Sea grapes are a type of jade vine, and are cultivated in the subtropical waters of Okinawa, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines. As one...

Parkinson’s Disease Causes and Symptoms Treatment Information

There are various neurotransmitters in our brain. Among them, dopamine, a precursor of the norepinephrine and epinephrine complex, is responsible for the transmission of...
5 Reasons You Feel Cold Always

5 Reasons You Feel Cold Always

Feeling cold when cold weather continues is a natural physiological phenomenon. Not only the weather but also hunger, lack of sleep, and various factors...

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