Home Facts 55 amazing facts about the human body

55 amazing facts about the human body

55 amazing facts about the human body
55 amazing facts about the human body (Pixabay)

1. It takes 46 seconds for the blood to go through the body completely. 19. Adults have 650 muscles, more than 100 joints, and more than 80,000 km of blood vessels.

There are also 206 bones, half of which are in the hands and feet.

2. The time it takes to blink one eye is 1/40 second.

3. Without saliva on the tongue, you can never taste the taste, and if your nose is dry, you cannot smell it.

4. A newborn baby is born with 305 bones, and as they grow older, many of them combine to reduce to about 206 bones.

5. Human lungs are heavier on the left than on the right.

6. If you look at what happens when a human lifespan is 70 years old…

urinate: 38,300 liters,

I dream: 127,500 times,

My heart beats: 2.7 billion times,

cries 3000 times

Egg production: 400,

Sperm production: 400,000,000,000,000;

Laugh: 540000 times,

Eat food: 50 tons,

Blinks: 333,000,000 times,

Drink water: 49,200 liters,

Hair grows: 563Km,

Nails grow (one finger): 3.7 m,

The heart pumps blood: 331,000,000 liters.

7. All humans have a very small amount of iron (Fe) in their noses, which makes it easy to orient on Earth with a large magnetic field.

Use this to orient yourself when there is no light.

8. The eye muscles move about 100,000 times in 24 hours. You have to walk at least 80km to get your legs to do this level of exercise.

9. The two nostrils alternate their activity every 3-4 hours. That is, one nostril sniffs while the other rests.

10. Bone tissue is constantly dying and replaced by other tissues, and all bones in the body are replaced by new ones once every 7 years.

11. One-fourth of your daily calorie intake is used by the brain.

12. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

13. A sneeze spreads at a speed of 160 km/h, which is faster than a pitcher throws a ball in baseball.

14. The most powerful bone in the human body is the thigh bone. It can withstand the same pressure as steel.

15. When a child turns two, their height doubles at birth, which is a standard for predicting the height of an adult.

It is said that the height of a two-year-old boy is 49.5% of his adult height and that of a two-year-old girl is 52.8% of his adult height.

16. In the case of fingernails and toenails, it takes 6 months for the root part to fully grow to the tip of the nail.

17. When a woman becomes pregnant, the amount of her blood increases by 25%.

18. The brain accounts for only 2% of the body weight, but the amount of oxygen the brain uses is 20% of the total amount used.

The brain consumes 20% of the food we eat and 15% of our blood. The brain has 10,000,000,000 neurons

With cells and 100,000,000,000,000 neuronal connections, the interconnections in the brain are virtually limitless.

20. Human bones are stronger than granite, the size of a matchbox, and can support ten tons. It is four times stronger than concrete.

21. The lungs have air sacs called alveoli, which number as many as 30,000,000.

If these alveoli are flattened, the area will be about 93 square meters.

22. Every day, a man’s testicles produce 10 times more sperm than the Korean population.

23. During a human lifetime, an average heart beats 280,000,000 times and pumps out about 2,270,000 liters of blood.

A heart the size of a fist is pumping out about 300 liters of blood.

24. Generally, a person weighing 70 kg has about 5.2 liters of blood. red blood cells

The bone marrow produces 20,000 cells every second, and the lifespan of red blood cells is about 120-130 days.

This bone marrow produces about half a ton of red blood cells during its lifetime.

25. The largest organ in the human body is the skin. For an adult male, the skin area is 1.9 square meters, and for a woman, 1.6 square meters.

The skin is constantly peeling, and every four weeks it is replaced by a completely new skin. We use this natural, completely waterproof,

It becomes a change of leather clothes once a month. The weight of the skin that one person takes off in his lifetime is about 48 kg.

Changed about 1000 times.

26. We are 0.8cm taller in the morning than in the evening.

During the day, when we stand or sit, the soft disc bones in our spine flatten under our weight.

At night it increases again.

27. Our feet are greatest in the evening. Because if you walk all day, your feet will swell without realizing it.

Therefore, if you are going to buy shoes, it is better to buy them in the evening.

28. Digestion is a precarious equilibrium between strong acidity and alkalinity.

Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve zinc, but alkaline secretions secreted from the stomach prevent the gastric wall from melting.

Still, the 500,000 cells that make up the stomach wall die every minute and are replaced by new ones.

Every 3 days, the entire stomach wall is replaced with a new one.

This stomach acid is secreted at a certain time (usually in the morning, lunch, and dinner time) by the biorhythm, and if you do not eat at this time,

You feel hungry, which is a sign that your stomach wall is hurting.

29. When a woman gives birth, the entrance to the uterus opens 500 times larger than usual.

30. If human blood vessels are connected in one line, it is 112,000 km, which can wrap around the earth twice and half.

31. Cholesterol is known to be harmful to the human body. But Cholesterol dissolves fat in food.

It is very important biochemically in physiology. Consuming too much cholesterol puts strain on the liver.

It accumulates in the blood vessels and eventually blocks the blood vessels, leading to death, but it is an essential element in our body.

32. It takes 13,000 parts to make a car, 3,000,000 parts to make a 747 jet airliner,

It takes 5,000,000 parts to build a space shuttle, but the human body has 10,000,000,000,000 pieces.

There is tissue, there are 25,000,000,000,000 red blood cells and 25,000,000 white blood cells.

The heart pumps 4.7 liters of blood per minute, and the tongue has more than 9000 taste cells. How sophisticated is this?

33. The human brain does not feel pain. Sometimes a headache comes from the muscles that surround the brain.

34. A human can survive even if 50% of the stomach and spleen (spleen), 70% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, and one lung are removed.

35. The human eye can distinguish 100,000 colors under abnormal conditions, but usually can distinguish 150 colors.

36. Women usually get drunk faster than men because men’s bodies are 60% water and women’s bodies are 54% water.

37. Children grow more when they sleep than when they are awake.

38. The probability that fingerprints are the same is 64 billion to 1. Therefore, the fingerprints of people in this world are all different. 39. If no one touches a newborn baby, it not only does not grow, but sometimes even dies.

So these days, in hospitals, the nurses take turns holding the newborn baby by dividing the time.

40. An ant can lift 50 times heavier than its own body, and a bee can carry 300 times its own weight.

As a human being, you have to pull a 10-ton trailer.

41. The average heartbeat of an adult is 70-80 beats, but the heart of a tiny bird beats over 1,000 beats.

42. To say one word, 72 out of 650 muscles must move.

43. Men weigh more than women, but there is one exception: women have more fat.

This makes a woman beautiful.

44. One square inch of skin contains 19,500,000 cells, 1,300 muscle tissue, 78 nerve tissue, and 650 pores.

There are 100 sebaceous glands, 65 hairs, 20 blood vessels, 178 heat and 13 cold sensors.

45. The organ that detects the taste of the tongue is closely related to the organ of the nose that smells.

If you close your eyes and cover your nose, it becomes difficult to tell the difference between the taste of apples and persimmons.

46. ​​Mysteriously, arthritis in women disappears as soon as they become pregnant.

47. Blood is about 6 times thicker than water.

48. The testicles, the factories that produce sperm, can function only when the temperature is low, so they are always wrinkled like a heat sink.

It hangs in a wrinkled shape. As body temperature rises, sperm production in the tubules stops.

In hot weather, it droops and tries to stay away from the body as much as possible, and when it is cold, it shrinks and crawls into the body.

49. It is better to wear a hat than socks to keep your feet warm, as 80% of your body heat is lost through your head.

50. Blinking protects the eye and smooths the cornea, taking 1/40th of a second to blink.

On average, 15 times a minute, 900 times an hour, about 300,000,000 times in a lifetime.

51. A sperm weighs 1/75 of an egg.

52. The two testicles are 25 grams, and the one on the right is bigger and heavier. These different sizes and heights reduce the risk of collision with each other.

53. The right breast is slightly smaller than the left breast.

54. If you look at what happens in the human body during a day, it breathes 2,340 times, and moves about 3-4 km on average.

It breathes 120 square meters of air and consumes 1.3 kg of water. Excrete 3.5 kg of waste products and sweat 0.7 liters.

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