Home Business Google founder Sergey Brin files for divorce after Bill Gates and Bezos

Google founder Sergey Brin files for divorce after Bill Gates and Bezos


Sergei Brin, 48, the world’s sixth-richest person with a fortune of over $94 billion and co-founder of Google, is in the process of divorce, Bloomberg News reported.

Brin told Bloomberg that he wanted a breakup with his wife, Nicole Shanahan, and filed for divorce in Santa Clara, California, as the reason for the divorce “because they couldn’t resolve their differences.”

The couple, who have been married for three years, have asked the courts to seal the papers and hired an interim private judge to keep the divorce proceedings private, one of the US judicial systems of choice for parties seeking confidential resolution of their disputes.

Brin is known for seeking joint custody of their 3-year-old child.

Billionaires’ recent breakup includes Microsoft founder Bill Gates and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.

Bill Gates and his ex-wife Merlin da French Gates finalized their divorce proceedings in August of last year, and Bey Joss split from Mackenzie Scott in 2019.

When they divorced, they divided their large fortunes.

Citing the Billionaires Index compiled by Bloomberg, Bloomberg estimates that Brin owns a fortune of $94 billion, including Google stock, and that there may be a prenuptial agreement with Shanahan regarding the division of the property. .

Mrs. Shanahan founded ClearAccess IP, a tech company that provides intellectual property (IP) patent management solutions, and runs the Biaeco Charity Foundation.

This is Brin’s second divorce.

In 2007, she married Anne Wojitzki, founder of biotech firm 23andMe, and they became the Silicon Valley billionaire couple with two children, but after years of separation, they divorced in 2015.

At the time, US media reported that Brin had an affair with a female Google employee as the reason for her divorce.

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