Home Health Dizziness Symptoms and Causes

Dizziness Symptoms and Causes


Dizziness is a perceptual phenomenon in which you or objects around you feel like they are moving even though they are still. Dizziness is a common symptom that about 20% of adults experience at least once a year. If the cause is physiological, it is simply caused by sudden stimulation of the sensory organs, such as tiredness, motion sickness, dehydration, or climbing on a high place. In addition, these physiological dizziness usually improves naturally by taking a break for a certain period of time and replenishing water. However, since dizziness caused by a specific cause is caused by a problem in the vestibular system rather than a temporary stimulation of the sensory organs, the symptoms may continue. The vestibular system is an organ that helps the body maintain balance. When a problem occurs, it causes a variety of pathological dizziness symptoms such as balance disorder, postural anxiety, vertigo accompanied by trembling eyes, syncope dizziness that feels as if you are about to lose your mind, and psychogenic dizziness in which you feel like your head is spinning. . Therefore, it is very important to find the exact cause of dizziness and to proceed with appropriate treatment at the same time as finding the exact cause of dizziness through visits, as dizziness that appears continuously and repeatedly rather than a temporary form of dizziness may be dizziness caused by a specific cause. Now, let’s take a closer look at the various causes and symptoms that cause pathological dizziness.

Dizziness Symptoms and Causes

1. Otolithiasis

The most common cause of pathological dizziness is Otolithiasis. Otolithiasis, also known as benign postural vertigo, is vertigo caused by the formation of mobile stones in the semicircular canals of the inner ear. When symptoms occur, sudden vertigo with a sense of rotation and paroxysmal equilibrium disturbances may occur immediately after waking up. In addition to dizziness, various symptoms such as headache, vomiting, nausea, palpitations, and night sweats may appear.

2. Meniere’s disease

Another condition that causes pathological vertigo is Meniere’s disease. Meniere’s disease, first described in 1861 by a French physician, Meniere, is said to be caused by problems with the normal absorption and secretion of endolymphatic fluid. It has the characteristic that several symptoms such as intense dizziness with a sense of rotation appearing paroxysmal, and a feeling of fullness in the ears, which is a feeling of fullness of the ears, appear simultaneously. Tinnitus, also called tinnitus, and hearing loss due to hearing loss are also symptoms that appear when symptoms of Meniere’s disease occur. In addition, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and stiff neck may also occur.

3. vestibular neuritis

The vestibular nerve exists in the vestibular system that senses the body’s equilibrium, and this vestibular nerve collects the sense of balance and sends it to the brain. Vestibular neuritis refers to a disease caused by inflammation of the vestibular nerve due to various causes such as purulent otitis media, viral infection, ischemia, and trauma. When symptoms occur, severe dizziness occurs suddenly, such as constantly spinning around or moving objects. The dizziness does not stop within minutes, it may last for hours, or as long as several days. In addition to these severe symptoms of dizziness, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting may also occur.

4. Orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension is a disease caused by a large drop in blood pressure when standing for a long time or standing up suddenly. The blood collected in the lower body is not properly delivered to the brain and heart, causing instantaneous darkening and severe dizziness. Headache, general weakness, and a feeling of urge to urinate or have a bowel movement may also be accompanied by symptoms of stiff neck. Such orthostatic hypotension may improve over time, but in severe cases of dizziness, secondary risks such as fainting may occur.

Other cause of the disease

In addition to the various diseases mentioned above, vascular-related diseases such as cerebral infarction, arrhythmia, and heart failure can also cause dizziness. In particular, central dizziness caused by functional and structural abnormalities of the brain, such as cerebral infarction, is often accompanied by neurological symptoms such as activity disturbance, balance disturbance, and visual field disturbance. . Also, in the worst case, it can lead to life-threatening and fatal results, so it is recommended that you seek a diagnosis immediately when you develop suspected symptoms.

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