Home Business 5 Interesting Facts That You Didn’t Know About Oracle

5 Interesting Facts That You Didn’t Know About Oracle

ORACLE by Peter Kaminski
by Peter Kaminski

1) There have been rumors on the internet that Oracle’s Larry Ellison was dragged away while giving a graduation speech at Yale University, which is obviously not true.

2) The company’s headquarters also appeared as the headquarters of Cyberdyne Systems in Terminator Genisys. Interestingly, Skydance Media, which was involved in the creation of Genesis, is a studio run by David Ellison, the son of Larry Ellison. Their daughter, Megan Ellison, runs Annapurna Pictures.

3) As the world’s No. 1 PMS (Hotel Room Management System) service company, it has 38,000 hotel companies as its customers.

4) Oracle and Larry Ellison pushed the concept of Network Computer (NC) in the mid-1990s and set up a confrontation with Bill Gates and Microsoft, saying, ‘The era of the PC is over’. At that time, the modem speed was 33.6kbps and the Internet was not yet established, the term cloud computing was not yet established,[6] It was a time when the opponent Microsoft was at the peak of its monopoly, and in the PC market, HP was the strongest Therefore, the idea of such an idea at that time in itself is worthy of high praise. Also, at that time, it was also a topic of discussion whether the price of the computer will break $500 mark.

5) In 2021, it became a new sponsor of Red Bull Racing, and from 2022 it became the title sponsor and the team name was Oracle Red Bull Racing.

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