Home Health 5 Tips To Overcome Food Coma

5 Tips To Overcome Food Coma


After lunch, I often feel drowsy and drowsy. This symptom of drowsiness and drowsiness after eating is called Food Coma, and it usually appears at 2-3 pm after eating. These Food Coma is not a medical disease, but a symptom that causes physiological fatigue, and it can interfere with work and study as it acts as a major factor that disturbs concentration. Coffee and energy drinks are consumed to wake up, but the consumption of caffeinated drinks only gives a temporary effect, and drowsiness and drowsiness are often not easily relieved.

In addition, excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages and tea to wake up drowsiness affects the normal circadian rhythm and often has side effects that cause sleep disturbance at night. Therefore, if you accurately identify the main cause of Food Coma and implement a method to correct it, it is said to have a good effect in resolving and improving the symptoms of Food Coma while minimizing the effect on the natural circadian rhythm. So today, let’s take a look at the main causes that affect the occurrence of Food Coma and the various methods that can help you solve them one by one.

Causes of Food Coma

After eating, the parasympathetic nerve responsible for relaxation of the body is activated, and a lot of blood rushes to the stomach for digestion. And compared to the blood flowing toward the stomach, the blood flow and oxygen to the brain are reduced, so it can be said that this food coma occurs. When you eat a lot or eat too much, the blood flow and oxygen to the brain become more insufficient, so drowsiness and drowsiness appear more severe.

In addition, tryptophan, which is contained in various foods, plays a role in the synthesis of serotonin, the happiness hormone. It is said that this release of serotonin can lead to symptoms of Food Coma as it relaxes the mind and relaxes the nerves. In addition, tryptophan is known to cause drowsiness because it helps the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep.

Food Coma Improvements and Solutions

1. The habit of not skipping breakfast

It is important not to skip breakfast in order to improve drowsiness and drowsiness caused by Food Coma. If you skip breakfast and eat lunch, food suddenly enters the stomach empty overnight, which not only puts a strain on the digestive system, but also increases food intake, which makes it easy to overeat. In particular, overeating is the main cause of food coma, which further reduces blood flow and oxygen to the brain, so it is very important to eat well without skipping breakfast. In addition, if you chew food at least 20 times during a meal, you can feel full with a small amount of food without significantly reducing the amount of food you eat. Also, it is said to help relieve drowsiness and drowsiness caused by Food Coma because it has an effect that does not put too much strain on digestion.

2. Control Foods Containing Tryptophan

Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, is directly involved in the synthesis of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, so it can be said to be an essential nutrient for nervous stability, relieving depression, and relieving insomnia. However, excessive consumption of tryptophan-containing foods during the day may be the cause of Food Coma. Therefore, it is said that it is a good way to control intake of foods such as bananas, milk, nuts, and cheese, which are known to contain a lot of tryptophan, during the day and eat them in the morning or evening.

3. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits

Eating fresh vegetables and fruits instead of consuming tryptophan-containing foods has been shown to be effective in reducing sleepiness and fatigue caused by Food Coma. In particular, eating a variety of foods rich in vitamin C, which is well known for its excellent antioxidant properties, is said to be effective in relieving fatigue and waking up from drowsiness. Please note that vitamin C is abundantly found in citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, and lemons, as well as strawberries, kiwis, green peppers, paprika, and broccoli.

4. Walk

Taking a light outdoor walk after eating can also help reduce Food Coma symptoms. Taking a walk outdoors while breathing air supplies oxygen to the brain, which is effective for waking up, and prevents the conversion of serotonin into melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone, which helps reduce drowsiness. . In addition to taking a walk, light stretching can help improve blood flow throughout the body, helping to wake up from drowsiness. Moving your hands in different directions or rotating your shoulders and arms to release them will help prevent various symptoms caused by Food Coma.

5. A light nap

When sleepiness is too severe, taking a light nap may be more effective than forcing it. It is said that taking a nap helps to clear the brain from fatigue, clears the mind, and relieves drowsiness and drowsiness. In addition, taking a nap lowers blood pressure and further stabilizes the mind and body, which can be said to be a health benefit of napping.

However, if you take a nap for too long, it goes through the light sleep stage and enters the deep sleep stage, affecting normal circadian rhythms and may cause sleep disturbances at night. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid napping for more than 30 minutes as much as possible, and it is recommended to sleep lightly for 10 to 15 minutes. Also, when taking a nap, it is a good way to sleep in a position that does not put too much strain on your neck by using a cushion or a neck pillow.

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