Home Health 3 Best Teas That You Can Drink Instead Of Water

3 Best Teas That You Can Drink Instead Of Water


Water is a substance that makes up about 70% of our body. It plays an essential role in maintaining metabolism and homeostasis, and plays an important role in blood circulation, discharge of waste products, and regulation of body fluids. When the body lacks moisture, which plays such an important role, it causes thirst and fatigue, and at the same time causes constipation, and the skin becomes flaky. In addition, if about 20% of the water contained in the body is lost, a life-threatening situation may occur, and water is a substance that plays an essential role in maintaining life. Especially in the summer, when you sweat a lot due to the hot weather, it is important to drink enough water above all else. It is known that 1.5~2L is the recommended daily intake required to support smooth metabolism in the body. However, water has a slightly fishy and bland taste, so it is not as easy as you might think to drink the recommended daily intake. It is especially difficult for people who are not in the habit of drinking water. If you drink it in the form of tea rather than just drinking water, the bland taste of the water is reduced, and you have the advantage of being easy to drink with the unique aroma and taste of tea. So today, let’s look at various types of tea that can be drunk as a substitute for water.

Teas that you can drink instead of water

1. Barley tea

Barley tea is a grain tea made by roasting and boiling barley. Although demand has decreased due to increased consumption of bottled water and increased use of water purifiers, it is also a familiar tea that was used as a substitute for drinking water in the past. If you consume barley tea regularly, it will have a good effect on comforting the stomach and improving intestinal functions such as the large intestine and small intestine. In particular, due to the abundance of dietary fiber in barley, it has an excellent effect in adsorbing toxins and impurities that cause intestinal function deterioration and disease and excreting them out of the body. In addition, the alkylpyrazine and beta-glucan components contained in a large amount in barley tea are effective in preventing blood vessel-related adult diseases by improving blood flow and inhibiting thrombus formation. In addition, barley tea is excellent for replenishing moisture quickly, so it is also excellent for quenching thirst, which is easily caused by sweating a lot in the hot summer.

2. Brown rice tea

The second tea I would like to introduce is brown rice tea, which is a representative grain tea along with the barley tea introduced earlier. Brown rice tea refers to tea made by boiling brown rice, which is rice from which only the husks are removed after drying and threshing the harvested rice. It has the advantage of being easy to consume instead of watery water with its unique flavor and taste from brown rice, and its excellent moisturizing effect is effective in relieving thirst easily caused by sweating. In addition, brown rice tea contains abundant vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber contained in brown rice, so it strengthens the intestines and at the same time helps the peristaltic movement of the intestines, and has a good effect in preventing the absorption of harmful substances into the intestines. In addition, it is excellent in helping the balance of electrolytes in the body, reducing cholesterol levels, and effectively discharging heavy metals and harmful substances out of the body.

3. Sicklepod tea

Sicklepod tea, one of the plant-based beverages, refers to tea made from the annual herb of the bean curd family. It is known to have various effects such as diuresis and skin fungus suppression due to its excellent pharmacological effect when consumed regularly. In particular, the name Kyeolmyungja was made from the meaning of a seed that brightens the eyes, so it is known to have an excellent effect on eye health if you drink it regularly. Not only is it excellent for treating the symptoms of red, swollen, painful, and tearful eyes, but it also has an excellent effect in helping to improve symptoms of eye diseases such as night blindness. In addition, it is excellent in lowering blood pressure and controlling cholesterol levels, so it is excellent in preventing vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

Tea as a substitute for water

Green tea is the most consumed tea with coffee, but it is recommended to avoid drinking it like water. It is not suitable for drinking as a substitute for water, as it can irritate the stomach when consumed in excess due to its abundant caffeine content, and its strong diuretic effect can cause dehydration by excreting much more water than ingested water out of the body. do. Also, although cornstarch tea has great benefits in removing facial swelling, excreting body wastes, and excellent antioxidant activity, it can cause dehydration due to its strong diuretic effect if consumed in excess, which can put strain on the kidneys. In addition, it has a unique flavor and taste, and has several health benefits, but drinking too much can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. It is known that excessive consumption of dandelion tea can cause an increase in heart rate, which can affect diseases such as high blood pressure.

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