Home Health Tonsil Stone Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Tonsil Stone Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


The tonsils, a lymphoid tissue located in the back of the nose and inside the throat, play an important role in defending our body from bacteria and foreign substances entering through the nose and mouth. Tonsil stones are small, yellowish grains the size of small rice grains that are formed by the aggregation of bacteria and food waste in these small pores in the tonsils or tonsils.

Contrary to the name of the stone, these tonsil stones are not formed as hard as stones, but are granules in the form of crushed stones, and are characterized by a strong odor. Even if left alone, unlike stones in other parts of the body, it does not cause serious health problems, but it causes great discomfort and difficulty in daily life due to major symptoms such as bad breath and foreign body, which lowers the quality of life. It can also be this. Now, let’s take a closer look at the main causes, symptoms, and various information about the treatment of tonsil stones.

Causes and symptoms of tonsil stones

The most common cause of tonsillitis is chronic tonsillitis. When tonsillitis occurs frequently, small pores in the tonsils called tonsils can become enlarged. As food debris gets stuck in the enlarged tonsils, an environment is created that makes it easier for bacteria to multiply. In particular, if you have a runny nose that runs behind your throat due to rhinitis or sinusitis, or if you do not take good oral hygiene, it creates favorable conditions for bacterial growth in the tonsils, making it easier to form tonsil stones.

The main symptoms of these tonsil stones are severe bad breath and at the same time a sore throat or a feeling of a foreign body stuck in the throat when swallowing saliva, and may cause a sore ear. In addition, yellow granules formed in the mouth are often excreted spontaneously by saliva or tongue, and sometimes come out when coughing or nauseating. These tonsil stones do not pose a great health risk, but they cause great discomfort when swallowing food or saliva and breathing due to various symptoms such as bad breath and foreign body sensation, but also cause severe discomfort due to bad breath to those around you. cases will arise.

In addition, chronic tonsillitis, the main cause of tonsill stones, can result in an increased risk of forming an abscess around the tonsils. Therefore, it is very important to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment through a visit when tonsil stones occur. In addition, if you use cotton swabs or chopsticks to arbitrarily self-medicate to remove tonsil stones, it can cause damage to the inside of the mouth or the tonsils, which can cause inflammation. It is important to remove it through

Tonsil stone treatment and prevention

1. Accurate diagnosis and treatment

Tonsil stones are confirmed by accurately examining the oral cavity and pharynx and performing a pharyngeal endoscopy at the same time. Then, along with the method of sucking and removing the stone with a medical inhaler, a treatment procedure using silver nitrate or laser to block the tonsils is performed. And, if major symptoms such as pain, bad breath, and foreign body sensation persist despite these treatment methods, or if recurrence occurs easily, surgical methods such as tonsillectomy can be considered.

2. Drink plenty of water

In order to prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which is the main cause of tonsill stones, drinking plenty of water a day is an important management habit. Please note that drinking small amounts of water frequently rather than drinking a lot of water all at once can help prevent dry mouth and eliminate bad breath.

3. Regular brushing habits

In order to prevent the formation of tonsil stones, it is important to keep the habit of keeping the mouth clean so that bacteria do not grow well. It is especially important to brush your teeth thoroughly after meals. In addition, when brushing your teeth, it is important to thoroughly brush the hard-to-clean teeth inside, and carefully clean the tongue and the roof of your mouth.

In addition to brushing your teeth, using a mouthwash is also an important management habit in preventing and treating tonsil stones. The use of these mouthwashes improves the condition of your teeth and gums while preventing bacteria from growing from food debris. Therefore, gargling with mouthwash along with gargling after meals is said to be very helpful in the prevention and treatment of tonsil stones.

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