Home Health Prevention of fall accidents in winter

Prevention of fall accidents in winter


In the cold winter, when the bitter cold continues, the risk of various diseases increases due to a decrease in the body’s immunity. In particular, the risk of slipping on an icy road that has been frozen due to the lower temperature increases the risk of slipping. In the case of young people with strong bones, there are often no abnormalities or minor bruises, whereas in the elderly and elderly people with weak bones, reduced muscle strength, dull motor nerves, and weakened bones cause injuries such as fractures. will do. In particular, when the elderly suffer serious injuries to the hip joint and bone part due to a fall, complications can lead to death, which can lead to fatal results. Therefore, if you are familiar with the related preventive measures and countermeasures to prepare for fall accidents in winter, it will be helpful to reduce the risk caused by falls. Now, let’s take a look at the major injuries that can occur in a fall and some of the ways to help prevent and cope with them.

Areas damaged by a fall

In the event of a fall accident, injuries can occur in various parts of the body, such as the femur, hip bone, hip joint, vertebral fracture, leg fracture, and wrist fracture. In particular, when the hip joint is fractured, severe pain and difficulty in walking can occur. A vertebral fracture, which is caused by a flat vertebra due to a fall, causes severe pain and muscle pain through nerve compression as the vertebrae are compressed. And if you fall and hit your head on the ground after a fall, you can suffer from minor injuries such as bruising and tearing to serious injuries such as breaking your head or facial bones. In addition, pain due to damage to the chest or lower back bones may also appear.

Leaving the damaged area due to such a fall accident can cause even greater pain, and if the damage to the head or spine worsens, surgery may be required. And if a fracture occurs in the hip joint, the joint that connects the pelvis and the femur, in most cases, surgery is required regardless of age. Elderly patients do not simply stop at fractures, but due to fractures, they are at an increased risk of complications such as stroke, pneumonia, and heart attack. In fact, it is said that about 20% of people die within one year from complications related to fractures, and it is reported that 50 to 60% of them suffer from difficulties in normal life due to gait disturbance and activity restriction even after recovery.

How to prevent falls in winter

1. Refrain from moving on icy roads and snowy roads

In order to prevent fall accidents in winter, it can be said that the number of people traveling on snowy and icy roads is reduced as much as possible by checking for snow and ice. In particular, it is recommended that elderly people avoid going out as much as possible the day after snowfall or when a cold wave continues. In addition, it is recommended not to use a smartphone while walking because walking while looking ahead and looking at a smartphone while walking is also a factor that increases the risk of a fall accident. And if you can get up from a fall, you should first catch your breath, check for any injuries, and then get up slowly. If you cannot get up, it is important to ask for help or call 911 immediately.

2. Reduce wearing too thick clothes

If you wear clothes that are too thick that it is difficult to move your body, it will make your movements rather sluggish, making it difficult to cope with a fall. Therefore, it is best to avoid wearing clothes that are too thick to interfere with activity. It is also a good idea to remove your hands from your pockets and wear gloves when walking. Also, when walking, try to keep your stride as short as possible, and wear low-heeled shoes that minimize slipping instead of high-heeled shoes or shoes.

3. Regular exercise

As it is known that decreased muscle strength and loss of balance function are the main causes of increasing the risk of fall accidents, it is recommended to do light strength exercises, stretching, and bare-handed gymnastics to strengthen muscle strength and increase joint flexibility. In fact, it can be said that continuous exercise habits are very important as research results have been published that it prevents the risk of falls by up to 17% when muscle strength is increased through regular exercise. However, excessive exercise can be a cause of adverse health effects, so it is recommended to continue exercising at an appropriate intensity suitable for your physical condition.

4. Consume foods that are good for your bones

Fractures due to falls are known to occur more easily due to weakened bones, so it is good to eat foods that strengthen bones and improve bone density. It is recommended to consume anchovies, milk, cheese, yogurt, soybeans, tofu, seaweed, and green vegetables, which are rich in calcium and vitamin D, which are beneficial to bones, on a regular basis.

It is also said that it is important to check the condition of your eyes by performing regular eye exams every year, and to wear glasses when you cannot see well to prevent falls. In addition, there is a risk of falling not only in external places such as icy roads and snowy roads, but also indoors if careless. Methods to reduce the risk of falls that can occur indoors by always removing water from bathroom and kitchen floors, and at the same time, laying an anti-slip pad on the high-slip areas, and brightening the lighting in dark places to create a safe indoor environment. applicable to.

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