Home Health Nocturia Causes, Prevention and Management Methods

Nocturia Causes, Prevention and Management Methods


Concentrated urine in the form of an aqueous solution is stored in the bladder, and when the amount reaches a certain level, it is discharged out of the body. In general, it is normal for adults to excrete less than 10 times a day, including 4 to 6 times during waking during the day and 0 to 1 times during sleeping at night. However, when the normal urine output is affected by several factors and the frequency of urination is abnormally increased, it is called frequent urination. And when such frequent urination occurs at night while sleeping, it is called nocturia. It can be said that it is one of the most typical symptoms of dysuria experienced by about 70% of people over the age of 60 in Korea. When nocturia occurs, abnormal urine discharge occurs, and urgency, which is a strong and sudden urge to urinate, may also be accompanied. There are also cases of pain and residual urination after urination. If these related symptoms disrupt the normal sleep rhythm and cause sleep disturbance, it can cause deterioration in physical condition and fatigue during the daytime, and decrease in work and academic performance. In addition, if these symptoms continue, it may significantly interfere with daily life and work life, significantly lowering the quality of life, as well as increasing the risk of immune system abnormalities and mental disorders such as depression. Therefore, it can be said that it is very important to understand the various causes that cause symptoms, and to manage them regularly and cope with them. Now, let’s learn about the main causes of nocturia and various information on prevention and management.

Causes Affecting Nocturia Occurrence

The most common cause of nocturia is nocturia. Our body secretes vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone that concentrates urine. However, when the secretion of this vasopressin decreases and the urine cannot be concentrated, it can be said that the urine output increases. Multiple symptoms, such as nocturia, decreased bladder volume and overactive bladder, may be caused by a complex overlap.

It can also occur when there is chronic renal failure or lower urinary tract obstructive disease that prevents urine from concentrating due to decreased renal function. In addition, nocturia may occur if there is a diuretic component among related medications for high blood pressure and chronic diseases such as diabetes and diabetes insipidus that greatly affect the amount of urine produced. In addition, it is known that nocturia can be caused by various sleep disorders-related diseases such as sleep apnea, insomnia, and narcolepsy.

Nocturia can also be caused by lifestyle habits such as drinking a lot of water before going to sleep or drinking coffee, alcohol, or carbonated drinks, even if it is not caused by the concentration of urine and diseases. Nocturia can be considered as one of the natural signs of aging, but the symptoms of nocturia enough to cause sleep disturbance can interfere with daily life, so related symptoms appear, and if this affects normal daily life, it Getting treatment is important. In order to diagnose nocturia, the exact pattern of occurrence and condition of nocturia and frequency of urination is confirmed by taking a medical history, measuring urine flow and residual urination, and urination diary. And depending on the cause, drug treatment using antidiuretic hormones, etc., nerve stimulation treatment, etc. can be proceeded. If the symptoms are not relieved despite these treatments, surgical treatment will be performed. In addition, it is very important to identify the causative disease that causes symptoms and treat them in parallel, and to correct and improve lifestyle habits that cause symptoms aggravation.

How to prevent and manage nocturia

1. Controlling water intake before sleep

Drinking a lot of water before going to sleep is a typical habit that worsens nocturia symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the habit of drinking a lot of water before going to bed. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from drinking caffeine-containing coffee, tea, green tea, carbonated drinks, etc. before going to bed, or drinking alcohol as it promotes diuresis and excretion of urine more severely. Also, it is recommended to avoid the habit of eating salty food as much as possible because the habit of eating salty food can also increase the amount of sodium accumulated in the body and cause the urine to be excreted more actively.

2. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment

If you sleep in a place that is too cold while you are sleeping, peripheral blood vessels constrict, and vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone that reduces urine output at night, is produced less, thereby increasing urine output. Therefore, it is recommended to set and keep the room where you sleep at a warm temperature. Also, it is important to prevent and manage nocturia by creating a sound sleep environment such as lighting and space composition that can help you sleep stably, trying to sleep at a certain time, and reducing naps for a long time.

3. Regular exercise

It is said that it is very helpful in preventing nocturia and relieving symptoms even when you regularly exercise during the day, such as walking or jogging. In addition, it is recommended to perform these exercises regularly because they help a lot in improving the symptoms of sleep disorders that are easy to accompany with nocturia.

In addition, taking a half-bath in warm water is also said to help relieve tension and relieve stress. When taking such a half-bath, it is said that the best way is to do it for about 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 38-40℃, which is slightly higher than body temperature. And it is said that half-body bathing is best done 2-3 times a week, in the evening, rather than every day.

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