How to make Time in Little Alchemy 2 (+Time Recipes)


Wondering how to make Time in Little Alchemy 2? Well, you’ll know exactly what to do by the end of this article.

Little Alchemy is a popular game based on the medieval art of alchemy, where you mix different items to discover new substances.

In the game, you start with the four basic elements of nature, which are Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. By mixing these items, you create new items or elements.

For example, Earth and Fire are combined to make Lava. However, Lava is not the final item because it can combine with other elements.

Lava in Little Alchemy 2

A “Final Item” is something that does not mix up with anything to yield a new substance. It would be something like Firestation which is made by combining House and Firefighter.

“Time” in Little Alchemy 2

Unlike all other elements, Time, a unique and crucial element of the game, is not obtained by simply putting together a specific combination of ingredients.

Time element in Little Alchemy 2

Time is available only after a certain point in your game, and it may take you a significant amount of time to unlock Time (no pun intended!).

How to Make Time in Little Alchemy 2?

Time is only obtained when you have discovered 100 elements in the game.
Elements are ingredients mixed together to form new elements or items.

You have to simply keep combining elements to reach 100 elements, and Time will be automatically unlocked with the 100th element.

It can take a while to experiment with all the elements and reach the threshold to unlock Time.

For ease, you can follow the listed 100 combinations to make Time in Little Alchemy 2 with no hassle:

  1. Fire + Fire = Energy
  2. Earth + Energy = Earthquake
  3. Earth + Fire = Lava
  4. Earth + Lava = Volcano
  5. Lava + Water = Steam and Obsidian
  6. Earth + Steam = Geyser
  7. Lava + Air = Stone
  8. Fire + Stone = Metal
  9. Water + Earth = Mud
  10. Mud + Stone = Clay
  11. Fire + Clay = Brick
  12. Water + Water = Puddle
  13. Two Puddles = Pond
  14. Two Ponds = Lake
  15. Two Lakes = Sea
  16. Two Seas = Ocean
  17. Ocean + Fire = Salt
  18. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  19. Air + Air = Pressure
  20. Air + Pressure = Wind
  21. Earth + Earth = Land
  22. Earth + Land = Continent
  23. Continent + Continent = Planet
  24. Planet + Fire = Sun
  25. Planet + Planet = Solar System
  26. Two Solar Systems = Galaxy
  27. Galaxy + Galaxy = Galaxy Cluster
  28. Two Galaxy Clusters = The Universe
  29. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  30. Atmosphere + Water = Clouds
  31. Clouds + Energy = Lightning
  32. Cloud + Water = Rain
  33. Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
  34. Life + Land = Animals
  35. Life + Fire = Phoenix
  36. Life + Galaxy = an Alien
  37. Life + Ocean = Plankton
  38. Life + Mud = Bacteria
  39. Animals + Lake = Fish
  40. Animals + Air = Bird
  41. Animals + Land = Horse
  42. Animals + Mud = Pig
  43. Pig + Fire = Bacon
  44. Animals + Pig = Wild Boar
  45. Animals + Pond = Frog
  46. Animals + River = Beaver
  47. Animals + Stone = Lizard
  48. Life + Clay = Humans
  49. Animals + Humans = Domestication
  50. Two Humans = Family and Love
  51. Human + Stone = Tool
  52. Fish + Tool = Fishing Rod
  53. Animals + Tool = Human + Meat
  54. Meat + Fire = Steak
  55. Fishing Rod + Human = Angler
  56. Anglers + Anglers = Idea
  57. Human + Idea = Philosophy
  58. Human + Plant = Farmer
  59. Human + Clay = Potter
  60. Human + Rain = Cold
  61. Cold + Rain = Snow
  62. Cold + Water = Ice
  63. Human + Snow = Cold, Snowball, and Snowman
  64. Human + Lightning = Hero
  65. Human + Hero = Story
  66. Human + Fire = Firefighter
  67. Human + Lake = Sailor
  68. Human + The Universe = Science
  69. Human + Water = Swimmer
  70. Swimmer + Fish = Mermaid
  71. Science + Air = Gas
  72. Science + Earth = a Solid
  73. Science + Lava = Magma
  74. Science + Life = Organic Matter
  75. Science + Ocean = Current
  76. Science + Water = Liquid
  77. Science + Wind = Motion
  78. Rain + Wind = Storm
  79. Storm + Science = Electricity
  80. Electricity + Air = Ozone
  81. Electricity + Fish = an Electric Eel
  82. Electricity + Human = Electrician
  83. Electricity + Wind = Wind Turbine
  84. Life + Land = Animals and Soil
  85. Soil + Rain = Plants
  86. Plant + Earth = Grass
  87. Animals + Grass = Ant
  88. Ant + Earth = an Anthill
  89. Two Ants = an Egg
  90. Plant + Fire = Ash, Tobacco, and Smoke
  91. Plant + Cloud = Cotton
  92. Two Cottons = Thread
  93. Thread + Animal = Spider
  94. Two Threads = Rope
  95. Rope + Electricity = Wire
  96. Tool + Tool = Machine
  97. Campfire + House = BBQ
  98. Sword + Tree = Wood
  99. Barn + Egg = Chicken
  100. Container + Nest = Tree

You’re not bound to try only these combinations. You can experiment with some elements yourself as well and see what they make.

Recipes with the Time Element

Time, just like in real life, is of utmost importance in the game as well. It is crucial to progress further in the game, as it acts as a primary ingredient in making many new substances.

Time + Animal recipe

Some of them are listed below:

  1. Time and Animal = Humans and Sloth
  2. Time and Bee = Honey
  3. Time and Bone = Fossil
  4. Time and Bread = Mold
  5. me and Campfire = Ash and Smoke
  6. Time and Castle = Ruins
  7. Time and City = Ruins
  8. Time and Container = an Hourglass
  9. Time and a Corpse = Bones and Skeleton
  10. Time and Dawn = Day
  11. Time and Deity = Father Time
  12. Time and a Dinosaur = Birds and Fossil
  13. Time and a Duckling = a Duck
  14. Time and Electricity = Clock
  15. Time and a Fairy Tale = a Legend
  16. Time and Family = Family Tree
  17. Time and a Farm = Ruins
  18. Time and Flowers = Fruits and Seeds
  19. Time and a Grave = Fossil
  20. Time and Fossil = Petroleum
  21. Time and Fruit = Mold
  22. Time and Glass = Hourglass
  23. Time and Grass = Peat
  24. Time and Hospital = Ruins
  25. Time and House = Ruins
  26. Time and Juice = Alcohol
  27. Time and Life = Death
  28. Time and Machine = Clock
  29. Time and Milk = Cheese
  30. Time and Monkey = Human
  31. Time and the Moon = Night
  32. Time and Ocean = Tide
  33. Time and Peat = Coal
  34. Time and Plant = Trees
  35. Time and Primordial Soup = Life
  36. Time and Pterodactyl = Bird
  37. Time and Rain = Flood

So, this was all about how to make Time in Little Alchemy 2. It’s one of the most important and useful elements to build, so don’t look down on that.

Work your way by making elements, and you’ll eventually unlock Time after combining 100 elements.

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Abdullah is a professional SEO writer having expertise in the Tech and Gaming niches. He has always been a big fan of video games and the rapidly developing technology fascinates him. His main motive is to help people through his writing.