Home Health How to eat carbohydrates in a healthy way?

How to eat carbohydrates in a healthy way?


Carbohydrates, which are substances made up of three elements, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, are also called saccharides or sugars. As it serves as an internal component of the body and at the same time produces all the energy needed to move bones and muscles, it plays the role of the most basic nutrient for human metabolism along with protein and fat. Carbohydrates are broadly divided into simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are classified into monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose and polysaccharides such as sugar and maltose. Complex carbohydrates refer to starches found in sweet potatoes, potatoes, and grains. Insufficient intake of carbohydrates, which play such an important role, can cause various problems as the body does not produce the necessary energy smoothly. In particular, excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates such as high-carbohydrate flour foods such as bread and noodles and processed foods high in sugar not only cause carbohydrate poisoning but also excessive secretion of insulin to accumulate cholesterol and fat, leading to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It may increase the risk of developing the disease. Therefore, it can be said that it is necessary to check how to eat carbohydrates in a healthy way and make an effort to continuously implement it. So today, let’s look at various ways to eat carbohydrates in a healthy way.

How to eat healthy carbohydrates

1. Low glycemic index carbohydrate intake

If you eat a lot of monosaccharide carbohydrate foods with refined chemical structures such as white rice, wheat flour, and sugar, the glucose concentration rises and the pancreas secretes excessive insulin and causes hypoglycemia. In order to raise blood sugar again, the desire to consume sweet foods increases. If this process continues, carbohydrate poisoning symptoms occur, causing various abnormal symptoms such as body edema, weight gain, and blood sugar rise. Therefore, it is recommended to consume carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, which raise blood sugar slowly in the body. It is better to eat whole wheat bread, whole grains, and mixed grains rather than white bread and white rice, and it is recommended to eat foods such as sweet potatoes, vegetables, and nuts. And it is better to eat fruits with a low glycemic index, such as tomatoes, apples, and oranges, rather than fruits with a high glycemic index.

2. Intake Control

Controlling the amount of carbohydrates in a healthy diet is also an essential habit. When carbohydrates are insufficient, the energy to perform activities decreases, but when excessive, it is quickly converted into fat, which leads to weight gain. Therefore, it is important not to consume excessive carbohydrates and to control the total intake appropriately. It has been reported that even moderate restriction of carbohydrates at breakfast not only prevents the rise of blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes, but also improves blood sugar variability.

3. Eat evenly with other nutrients

It is said that eating foods containing protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can help reduce excessive carbohydrate intake by improving the eating habits of eating foods composed of carbohydrates alone. In addition, if you eat vegetables with low blood sugar first, and then eat foods such as rice and meat, it slows the absorption of sugar and has a beneficial effect in preventing a sharp rise in blood sugar.

4. Regular eating habits

When the eating pattern leads to an irregular shape for various reasons, it can cause overeating and binge eating habits of consuming more than the amount eaten to relieve the feeling of hunger. When the habit of consuming excessive carbohydrates is added to this habit, blood sugar rises and weight gain is accelerated, increasing the possibility of various adult diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to change the meal time into a regular form. In addition, if the amount of carbohydrate intake is suddenly reduced to reduce carbohydrate intake, side effects such as binge eating or experiencing depression and lethargy may appear. Rather than limiting carbohydrate meals unconditionally, it is important to increase intake of low-glycemic index foods and complex carbohydrates, and maintain a diet that reduces intake of refined simple carbohydrates.

5. Steady exercise

Glucose decomposed from carbohydrates is converted into fat when it accumulates in the body, so it is important to effectively consume energy through a regular exercise habit. In addition, since regular exercise has the effect of regulating blood sugar and cholesterol, it is recommended to regularly do aerobic exercise at least 5 times a week and at least 30 minutes each time. And if you are not physically active, adjusting your carbohydrate intake accordingly is also an important management habit.

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