Home Health 7 Symptoms & Side Effects That Will Happen When You Sleep Too...

7 Symptoms & Side Effects That Will Happen When You Sleep Too Much

7 Symptoms & Side Effects That Will Happen When You Sleep Too Much
7 Symptoms & Side Effects That Will Happen When You Sleep Too Much (Pixabay)

Sleep plays a role in relieving normal brain fatigue and at the same time accumulating energy to resume activities the next day, so it is an essential part of health care. If you do not get enough sleep, you will be in a state of lack of sleep, which will cause drowsiness, fatigue, and decreased motivation during the day, which will adversely affect your normal life. In one study that closely checked people who usually lack sleep, it was reported that cortisol, a hormone secreted when stressed, was more than twice that of those who slept enough. And when cortisol increases, the pressure of blood vessels entering the heart increases, and if this condition continues, the risk of various cardiovascular diseases increases. Lack of sleep, which plays such an important role, is also a problem, but sleeping too much can also disrupt your lifestyle and cause a decrease in overall health during the day. In addition, prolonged excessive sleep habits, like lack of sleep, increase the risk of developing several geriatric diseases. So today, let’s look at the various problems that appear when you sleep too much.

Abnormalities caused by sleeping too much

1. Headache

The first problem caused by the habit of sleeping too much is a headache. Neurotransmitters in the brain that are activated during sleep are known to negatively affect the brain by over-activation during too long sleep. It is known that a significant number of people who slept for more than 9 hours complain of headaches, and it mainly appears in the form of throbbing and throbbing migraines.

2. Increased Depression

Excessive sleep can adversely affect mental health and amplify depression. As the amount of sleep increases, the amount of physical activity decreases and the rhythm of life is disrupted, resulting in a rigid state of the body. This leads to a decrease in the release of endorphins, which are responsible for boosting mood. In particular, when the habit of excessive sleep is prolonged, the state of low endorphins continues, leading to frequent depression and increased feelings of depression.

3. Severe fatigue

Sleeping for a certain amount of time relieves fatigue, but sleeping for too many hours can actually cause severe fatigue in a chronic form. It is said that the longer you sleep, the lower your body temperature. It takes a long time for our body to recover from sleep to normal body temperature, and the energy consumed during this recovery process can be accompanied by severe fatigue and lethargy.

4. Weight gain

As mentioned earlier, when you sleep for a long time, your body temperature will drop. Also, this lowered body temperature lowers the basal metabolic rate and prevents the normal consumption of calories that should be consumed during the day, leading to overweight and obesity. Increased sleep time also reduces daytime activity, which can also lead to weight gain. A Canadian team of researchers studied the effect of sleep duration on weight over a six-year period and found that people who slept more than 9 hours a day were 25% more likely to gain weight over the same period than those who did not. has been announced.

5. Increased risk of developing diabetes

Prolonged sleep patterns in which you sleep for a long time can also affect the onset of diabetes. This is because the longer you sleep, the higher your body mass index and the lower your ability to process glucose, which causes problems with normal blood sugar control. A Canadian study found that people who get more than eight hours of sleep per night are more than twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as those who don’t.

6. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

The habit of sleeping for a long time is known to cause overweight, which increases cholesterol levels and narrows the walls of blood vessels, which increases the risk of several cardiovascular diseases. In addition, since people who sleep a lot can cause problems such as apnea during sleep, the oxygen supply to the brain is not provided properly, which increases the risk of developing cerebrovascular diseases.

7. Decreased brain function

Sleeping for a long time can lead to a general decline in brain functions such as memory and cognitive ability. These actions have been shown to increase the risk of developing dementia. A study of 15,000 women in their 70s conducted at Harvard Medical School in the United States found that the group who slept more than 9 hours per night had lower cognitive abilities and had brain aging an average of 2 years longer than the group that did not. said to have been many. In addition, according to a study conducted on 2715 elderly people at the University Hospital of Madrid in Spain, the group who slept for more than 9 hours every day showed significantly lower brain cognitive function after 3 years compared to the group who slept for 6-8 hours. is said to have appeared.

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