Home News Celebrities and Chatbots: ChatGPT & Character.AI

Celebrities and Chatbots: ChatGPT & Character.AI

Source: Wikimedia

Love it, or Hate it, ChatGPT is here to stay! The tool has gone beyond the masses, impressing even celebrities. If you’re new to this new ChatGPT wave, let me be the one to introduce you to it. Not so long ago, an Artificial Intelligence company based out of the United States, OpenAI released a model called ChatGPT. In layman’s terms, ChatGPT acts like an imaginary person on the other side of the screen. Whatever you ask, it will have a response for you. A chatbot capable of learning on the go, and responding real time. 

The rising popularity of ChatGPT 

With every new user, ChatGPT started getting more popular through word of mouth. As a result, there are a lot of times when you would see the website crash or limit access. It wasn’t even able to handle the load coming in. Nonetheless, the engineers over at GPT have made the tool more robust. 

Photo by ilgmyzin on Unsplash

With a versatile group of people accessing a powerful tool like ChatGPT, it was obvious that the model would find interesting use cases. One of which was letting ChatGPT have a conversation with a celebrity. Although there are many such instances, for brevity we have curated 4 of such encounters. Towards the end, we have added a section wherein you will know how you can talk to celebrities!

1. Elon Musk 

Source: Wikimedia

The Tech Evangelist, Elon Musk, himself had one of the earliest celebrity conversations with ChatGPT. The infamous CEO of Twitter asked a wide variety of questions to GPT testing its prowess. As someone who is very much into technology, it won’t be a surprise to find Tech among the questions he had asked GPT. He touched on topics like Artificial Intelligence, Space Exploration and the future of humankind. 

2. Barack Obama 

Source: Wikimedia

The former United States President, Barack Obama had a conversation with GPT on topics ranging from climate change to education. To make it more interesting, Barack had spoken about his favorite books as well. Even though he is not the current president, whenever Barack is on the news, people are bound to read it! And, it wasn’t any different for his conversation with GPT. As soon as the word got out, more people flocked to get a taste of the GPT. 

3. Bill Gates 

Source: Wikimedia

Turns out Elon is not the only Tech Evangelist to have a conversation with GPT. Bill Gates had a candid conversation wherein he discussed his thoughts on the future of technology. Similar to Elon, Bill Gates also touched on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on society. 

4. Ryan Reynolds 

Source: Wikimedia

Probably the best use of ChatGPT, renowned actor Ryan Reynolds, prompted GPT to write an ad for his company, Mint Mobile. Reynolds bought an ownership stake in 2019. On his prompt, Reynolds had requested the AI to write the ad in his voice with the following.: “Use a ‘joke’, a ‘curse word’, and let people know that Mint’s holiday promo is ‘still going’ even after the ‘Big Wireless’ companies have ended theirs”. 
Here is what it wrote, btw:

It’s Ryan Reynolds here. First of all, let me just say Mint Mobile is the sh*t, but here’s the thing: All Big Wireless companies out there are ending their holiday promos but not Mint Mobile. We’re keeping the party going cause we’re just that damn good. Give Mint Mobile a try. And hey, as an added bonus, if you sign up now, you’ll get to hear my voice every time you call customer care. Just kidding. That’s, that’s not a real thing. Stay classy everyone.”


Source: Wikimedia

If celebrities talking about or using ChatGPT isn’t enough, there is a new technology called Character. AI. This software is being talked about in recent times, as it promises that users can have conversations with Elon, and other celebrities.
What is it?   Developed by former Google researchers, Daniel De Freitas and Noam Shazeer, Character.AI was published first in September 2022. Unlike ChatGPT, Character.AI’s purpose is not to provide you with accurate information. Instead, the software is mainly to entertain people. 

How does it work?

Character.AI offers users the possibility to talk to an AI version of a celebrity as well as to have a conversation with an avatar of their own. If you’re wondering how this works. Well, it is purely based on advanced deep learning. When it was released, the model had a lot of limitations. However, in November 2022,  the conversation memory was doubled – meaning the model can now remember the messages sent before. This ensured the conversations were more entertaining and engaging. 


ChatGPT is just the start! We have seen many celebrities talking about it, or even talking about it. However, we must be cognizant of the fact that there are certain limitations associated with these. A lot of scientists have warned about the potential drawbacks of an AI model like ChatGPT and what it can do to society. 

Source: Wikimedia

On the other hand, it seems as if we are moving away from ChatGPT – and other tools that would mimic a conversation with a Celebrity. Character.AI is an entertaining tool, but we would only know its implications once it reaches its 100% potential.

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