Quantum Material Could Offset Energy Demand Of Artificial Intelligence

To just solve a puzzle or play a game, artificial intelligence can require software running on thousands of computers. That could be the energy...

Recently Recovered COVID-19 Patients Produce Varying Virus-Specific Antibodies

Most newly discharged patients who recently recovered from COVID-19 produce virus-specific antibodies and T cells, suggests a study published on May 3rd in the...

How Machine Learning is Helping Doctors Detect COVID-19 Coronavirus Easily

As we head into the future, we are trying to rely more on machines to get the job done. But making machines work seemed...

Russia Creates Its Own Humanized Mice To Test COVID-19 Vaccines And Drugs

Following the recent Coronavirus outbreak, almost three million people have been infected worldwide, whereas the death toll has already passed the 200,000 mark, according...

Spinal Cord Gives Bio-Bots Walking Rhythm

Miniature biological robots are making greater strides than ever, thanks to the spinal cord directing their steps. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign researchers developed the...

How the Internet of Things (IoT) Will Help Us Get Through the Next Pandemic

The Internet has taught us many things through Google, but now researchers and scientists are avidly working on teaching the internet to do stuff...

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