5 Best Foods For Arteriosclerosis
Arteriosclerosis refers to the narrowing and hardening of blood vessels as cholesterol is deposited and triglycerides are accumulated in the intima that covers the...
Thyroid nodule symptoms and treatment methods
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located under the bulge around the neck. It regulates the speed of the body's overall metabolic processes...
4 Foods That Are Bad For Liver
The liver, located under the diaphragm, is responsible for the metabolism of nutrients through enzymes, and plays an essential role in normal metabolism such...
6 Best Glaucoma Prevention Habits
Glaucoma is a disease in which the optic nerve, which plays an important role in transmitting visual information received from the eye, to the...
5 Foods You Should Avoid Eating Right Before Exercising
Regular exercise promotes metabolism and helps normal blood flow, so it is an essential habit for preventing various diseases and controlling weight. In some...
6 Best Foods That Are Good For Stomatitis
The oral mucosa is at a location that connects the body with the inside and outside, so it is affected by both external stimuli...
5 Best Foods For Healthy Scalp And Hair
The scalp, which refers to the skin that covers the head, is where the hair is located and plays a role in protecting it...
How to prevent periodontal disease
The teeth, arranged in an arc on the upper and lower jaws in the mouth, are hard structures that aid in digestion and pronunciation,...
Causes and diseases of foreign body sensation in the eyes
Occasionally, in our daily life, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the eye that feels like sand or foreign matter is...
6 Best Foods for Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. When symptoms occur, various symptoms such as coughing due to respiratory...