Home Health Scabies Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Information

Scabies Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Information


Scabies is a skin disease that is caused by ticks called triceps and is accompanied by symptoms such as itching. Scabies has a very contagious nature, so if one member of the family living together is infected, it is common for the entire family to be contagious. In addition, it is known that transmission is good in group facilities where many people live, and it is reported that the incidence is higher in infants and young age groups than in older age groups.

The cause of scabies can be said to be caused by the scabies mite, which is also called scabies, as mentioned earlier. After mating with the male on the skin surface, the female scabies immediately creates oysters in the stratum corneum and spawns. And it is known that the laid eggs become adults within 3 weeks and develop symptoms and skin lesions with the digestive juices secreted thereafter. In general, since the activity of scabies mites becomes more active when the temperature is above 20℃, the incidence increases more in summer, and the number of patients tends to decrease from autumn to spring when the temperature drops. Now, let’s check the main symptoms of scabies and various information about treatment and prevention.

Scabies main symptoms

The main symptom of scabies is severe itching. It can be said that the scabies mite burrows into the skin of a person and enters the skin, causing itching due to the digestive juices secreted. This itching is fine during the day, but it gets worse when you sleep at night, when the scabies mites are active. It can occur all over the body, such as between the fingers, armpits, and groin, excluding the face. And even if it is contagious, symptoms do not appear immediately, and it is known that symptoms usually appear after an incubation period of 4 to 6 weeks.

If the itching caused by scabies gets progressively worse, the itch may cause the skin to peel off or abrasions may occur by scratching the scabies. In addition, when symptoms worsen, secondary bacterial infection can form to form pustules, which can lead to eczema, boils, and impetigo. Therefore, when symptoms appear, it is important not to delay treatment and to receive prompt examination and treatment. In addition, scabies can be easily mistaken for simple itching, so there are cases where people arbitrarily self-medicate using general skin medications. say that.

Scabies treatment and prevention

1. Diagnosis through multiple tests

Scabies is diagnosed based on family history, itchiness, and distribution of lesions. At the same time, tissue is obtained by scraping a suspected area, and then the scabies mite is checked through a microscope. In order to check the oyster that the tick has passed through, ink is applied to the suspected area and rubbed, and then an oyster ink test is performed to wipe it off with an alcohol swab to confirm more accurately.

2. Treatment with various drugs

After being diagnosed with scabies, various medications are used to treat it. After taking a shower or bath before going to sleep, 1% Gammabenzene Hexachloride Ointment and Cream should be applied evenly over the body from neck to toe. And after sleeping, rinse off the treatment with water in a shower or wipe it clean with a wet towel. Treatment with these topical drugs is usually applied for 2-3 days and then reapplied after 1 week if symptoms remain. About half of all patients report that the itching subsides within 24 hours of starting these treatments. It is also known to improve within a few weeks with proper treatment in the early stages. If the itching is severe even with the use of these therapeutic agents, steroid ointment can be used in the form of topical antihistamines or antihistamines, and in case of secondary bacterial infection, antibiotics can be appropriately used. In addition, it is also essential to treat family members without symptoms at the same time to prevent re-infection.

3. Clean clothes and bedding

It is important to boil and wash clothes and bedding used within 2 days immediately after being diagnosed with scabies. In addition, even after washing, the laundry should be dried well in the sun or sprayed with insecticide to remove all eggs. And it is important to use the same items for underwear and bedding while using the drug applied to the skin, and wash it after using it and do not use it for several days.

And to prevent scabies, it can be said that the first rule is to avoid contact with the patient. In particular, in case of group facilities and treatment facilities where people with weakened immunity are gathered, it is important to perform thorough and meticulous sanitation and prevent it thoroughly. In addition, to avoid infecting others, it is important to limit physical contact as much as possible until the scabies is cured.

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