Home Business (Video) Check Out These Powerful FASTEST Boats Ever Made

(Video) Check Out These Powerful FASTEST Boats Ever Made


(Video) Check Out These Powerful FASTEST Boats Ever Made

Most boat designs focus on luxurious comfort or capacity rather than raw power and speed… but, over the years, a number of vessels have been built that are able to travel through, or across the water far quicker than you’d expect. The best of them are even able to outperform the majority of cars that you see on the road and, in some cases, it takes an incredibly brave driver to sit behind the controls while they do so. From the speediest power boats, to yachts, and even electric powered vessels, it’s time to take a look at the top 15 fastest boats ever made.

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I am a contributor to Advancetec.co.uk. I am fascinated by technology overall, especially crypto and it's potential to disrupt the global financial system. But until that future comes, I am perfectly content immersing myself in gaming, movies, gadgets, and all of the other wonders of the modern world.