Home Health 7 Foods that are good for blood clot removal

7 Foods that are good for blood clot removal


Blood clotting, which stops bleeding caused by wounds and trauma, is an important part directly related to life. However, when such blood clotting occurs excessively inside the body rather than outside, it acts as a cause of impeding the flow of blood and causes various problems. A thrombus is a lump in which blood clots and clumps in these blood vessels. Excessive blood clots limit the smooth supply of blood to the heart, increasing the risk of coronary artery disease such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and ischemic heart disease. In addition, since thrombus is one of the main causes of blockage of blood vessels in the brain, it can be said that it has a great influence on the occurrence of cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.

To reduce these blood clots, perform steady aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, or biking about 2-3 times a week, and at the same time, control the intake of foods containing excessive fat, fatty foods, and various processed foods, which are the main causes of blood clots. I have to. Also, eating a well-balanced diet of various vegetables, fruits, and fish that facilitates blood flow is also a very important management habit in preventing blood clots. So today, let’s take a look at various food information that can help suppress the formation of blood clots.

Foods that are good for blood clot removal

1. Back green fish

Blue-green fish such as mackerel, tuna, and saury are representative foods that are excellent in inhibiting the formation of blood clots. Blue-green fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated fatty acids. EPA and DHA, which are the main components of this omega 3 fatty acid, prevent blood clots that impede blood flow and at the same time have an effective action in removing blood clots that have already formed.

In addition, it has an excellent effect in blocking triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels, which are the main causes of various vascular diseases, so it is said that it has an excellent effect in reducing the risk of various vascular-related diseases when consumed regularly.

2. Garlic

Garlic, which was selected as one of the world’s top 10 superfoods by Time magazine in the United States in 2002, is excellent for various beneficial effects in the body, and it is also excellent in inhibiting the formation of blood clots. Garlic is known to be effective in thinning blood, so it not only prevents the formation of blood clots, but also has a good effect in dissolving blood clots that have already formed. In addition, it inhibits the absorption of cholesterol and has an excellent effect on the excretion of sodium and waste products from the blood vessels due to its rich potassium content. In addition, the strong antibacterial and sterilizing action of allicin, which gives garlic’s unique pungent taste, flows into the body and is excellent at suppressing pathogens and viruses that cause various infectious diseases.

3. Nuts

The omega-3 fatty acids of blue-green fish introduced above are abundantly contained in nuts in plant form, which is said to have an excellent effect in preventing the formation of blood clots. Nuts also contain vitamin E, an excellent antioxidant that helps maintain cell membranes as a type of fat-soluble vitamin. This vitamin E component is known to help prevent the formation of blood clots by inhibiting excessive aggregation of platelets, which is essential for blood clotting, and at the same time protecting the function of blood vessels.

4. Turmeric

It is rich in curcumin, a type of alkaloid, a perennial plant belonging to the ginger family. This rich curcumin component is said to be effective in inhibiting the formation of blood clots by preventing blood clotting. In addition, curcumin is known to have an excellent effect in suppressing excessive inflammation as well as reducing free radicals, the main cause of various vascular diseases, by blocking the normal flow of blood due to the excellent antioxidant action of curcumin.

5. Green vegetables

Green vegetables such as spinach and kale are also excellent at inhibiting the formation of blood clots. It prevents blood clots from forming due to the complex mechanism of action of various nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium, along with excellent antioxidants such as beta-carotene. In addition, the excellent antioxidant power of these green vegetables is effective not only in preventing skin aging, but also in enhancing the immune function, which is the body’s defense barrier.

6. Beans

Soybean is a food with excellent effects that is called the meat of the field because of its high-quality plant protein, various vitamins and minerals. The saponin component contained in soybeans is said to be effective in preventing the formation of blood clots by facilitating the blood flow and lowering the cholesterol level in the blood.

In addition, isoflavones, one of the proteins contained in soybeans and a phytochemical component in soybeans, also strengthens the elasticity of blood vessels and at the same time helps control blood pressure, thereby helping to prevent vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis. Not only soybeans, but also soybean paste, cheonggukjang, and tofu, which are made by processing soybeans, contain abundant nutrients of soybeans and are excellent in helping to suppress blood clots.

7. Seaweed

Seaweed, seaweed, maesaengi, kelp, and seaweed are also excellent foods to help suppress the formation of blood clots. Seaweed contains a large amount of alginic acid, a type of water-soluble polysaccharide, in common, and it is said that this alginic acid helps to control cholesterol and discharge waste products and prevents the formation of blood clots. Alginic acid is also rich in a polysaccharide called fucoidan. This fucoidan component is also excellent in preventing blood clotting, and it is said to have a beneficial effect in preventing the formation of blood clots that harden blood in blood vessels.

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