Home Health Orthostatic hypotension causes, symptoms, and prevention

Orthostatic hypotension causes, symptoms, and prevention


Hypotension, which means that the blood pressure is lower than the diastolic blood pressure of 80 mmHg and the systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg, which correspond to normal blood pressure, is largely divided into secondary, essential, orthostatic, depending on the cause and type. Among them, orthostatic hypotension refers to a case that is accompanied by dizziness and dizziness when standing up suddenly. If there are no major abnormalities, even if you wake up suddenly, your blood pressure does not drop due to the normal operation of the autonomic nervous system and maintains a constant state, so there are no abnormalities. However, it is known that when there is a problem with the maintenance reflex mechanism of blood pressure, the blood of the lower body cannot be supplied smoothly to the brain and heart when waking up, which causes these orthostatic hypotension symptoms.

It is said that the main cause of orthostatic hypotension is decreased heart function due to various coronary diseases such as myocardial infarction and arrhythmia, or chronic diseases such as diabetes and rheumatic diseases. It is also known to occur due to causes such as amyloidosis and chronic alcoholism, along with medications such as blood pressure lowering drugs, vasodilators, diuretics, and medications for psychiatric disorders. In particular, it is reported that the incidence is high in summer, when sweat and urine are discharged due to hot weather, and the blood supply is reduced due to insufficient moisture. Now, let’s learn about the main symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, as well as various information on prevention and management.

Main symptoms of orthostatic hypotension

The symptoms of orthostatic hypotension have different characteristics depending on the underlying disease, and if there is no underlying disease that causes orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, headache, dizziness, general weakness, and stiff neck and a feeling of urgency to urinate. In addition, the main symptoms such as dizziness and dizziness appear when you stand up suddenly, and when you lie down and rest for a certain period of time, the symptoms subside. However, if the symptoms continue, it can be accompanied by great difficulties in daily life, and in severe cases, it can lead to fainting. Therefore, if the symptoms continue to occur, it is a good way to visit a hospital and get an accurate diagnosis and examination.

For orthostatic hypotension, systolic and diastolic blood pressure and changes in pulse and blood pressure are detected through various tests such as blood pressure test and orthoscopy to confirm the exact condition. And even if you have been diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension through multiple tests, you can check the cause more accurately by performing tests for the underlying disease without treatment. In addition to adjusting the medication that causes side effects, the treatment procedure is performed by prescribing fluids, salt intake, and medications to prevent hypotension. In addition, in the case of patients with orthostatic hypotension, it is very important to practice them consistently because it can help prevent worsening of symptoms if various management rules are made into a habit.

Prevention and management of orthostatic hypotension

1. Sudden Standing Restrictions

Among the prevention and management rules for orthostatic hypotension, the most important thing is to reduce and avoid sudden standing as much as possible. When getting up from a seat, getting up slowly and taking a break once in a while helps to prevent symptoms, and if you feel like you are about to fall, it is recommended to keep sitting or lying down. And it is said that it is a good way to wake up after getting enough rest even after symptoms have been relieved to some extent. In addition, wearing compression stockings when standing for a long time can help prevent and relieve symptoms by preventing the stagnation of blood in the veins that are sent to the heart. Likewise, even when exercising, excessive and vigorous exercise can cause symptoms aggravation, so it is a good way to consistently do moderate-intensity exercise such as walking, bare-handed gymnastics, and stretching.

2. Adequate water and salt intake

In the prevention and treatment of orthostatic hypotension, it is also very important to consume 7-8 glasses of water a day and adequate salt intake. Especially in summer, when water and salt are discharged a lot due to high temperature, orthostatic hypotension is high, so water and salt intake to supplement it is even more important. On the other hand, alcohol is known to be the main cause of aggravation of symptoms, so it is essential to abstain from alcohol during treatment, and it is important to make appropriate adjustments even after symptoms are relieved. In addition, taking drugs such as vasodilators and diuretics are also factors that affect the occurrence of orthostatic hypotension, so it is recommended to adjust the dosage in consultation with the attending physician.

3. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet

In order to prevent the occurrence and aggravation of orthostatic hypotension, it is very important to reduce the intake of foods with strong stimuli such as cold and spicy foods, and to consume various foods that contain various nutrients such as vitamins A and C, iron, and dietary fiber evenly. It’s important.

Carrots, kale, spinach, broccoli, chard, leek, green pepper, sesame leaf, radish, pumpkin, sweet potato, melon, apricot, mango, peach, orange, tangerine, lemon, strawberry, red beet, seaweed, sesame, etc. It is said that regular intake of foods with a high content of various nutrients mentioned above helps a lot in alleviating the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension.

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