Home Health How to manage dermatosis symptoms and treatment

How to manage dermatosis symptoms and treatment


Urticaria is a symptom of partial swelling of the skin with severe itching due to increased permeability of blood vessels in the skin or mucous membranes. Depending on the duration of progression, it is divided into acute, in which symptoms improve within 6 weeks, and chronic, in which symptoms persist for more than 6 weeks. Dermatologic urticaria is a type of urticaria and is classified as physical urticaria. It refers to a disease that accompanies various symptoms such as itching and swelling similar to hives when the skin is scratched or pressed with more than a certain amount of pressure. The cause of dermatophytosis is still unknown. The main triggers are drugs and food, and there are reports that it worsens by systemic diseases such as thyroid disease, diabetes, and infection, as well as pregnancy, menopause, drugs, and stress. This type of dermatosis occurs in about 5% of the total population in Korea, and it is known that it mainly occurs in young men in their 10s and 20s. Now, let’s learn about the main symptoms, treatment, and management of dermatosis.

The main symptoms of dermatosis

Dermatologic dermatosis can be divided into simple dermatologic dermatosis, in which only redness and swelling of the skin occur, and symptomatic dermatologic dermatosis, which is accompanied by itching at the rash site. The main symptom is that when a certain amount of physical force is applied to the skin using nails or hands, the area exposed to the stimulus swells and then gradually disappears over time. And small hives may develop all over the body, lasting 1 to 2 days, or sometimes after 3 to 6 hours of irritation. There are no special symptoms other than itching, and the symptoms often decrease naturally over time, so many people think that it is not a serious disease. However, itching in the irritated area can cause a decrease in quality of life, and in particular, patients with dermatosis are often accompanied by diseases such as urticaria or atopy. Therefore, it is important to receive appropriate treatment through a visit to the hospital before symptoms worsen, and to maintain a management habit that minimizes triggers. How to treat and manage dermatosis

1. Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of dermatosis is relatively easy only with clinical symptoms, and provocative tests are sometimes performed for a more reliable diagnosis. There is no fundamental treatment for the treatment of dermatophytes, and treatment is usually carried out for the purpose of controlling symptoms. As with other urticaria treatment, antihistamines are used as the most important drug, and the dosage will be adjusted depending on the severity and frequency of occurrence. In severe cases, multiple antihistamines may be used in combination.

2. Diet management

In order to prevent and manage the worsening of the symptoms of dermatophytosis, it is most important to maintain a healthy diet. It is recommended to eat a balanced diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed foods, especially fermented foods, which are known to help relieve symptoms. On the other hand, it is recommended to control intake of foods with a lot of flour, foods with a lot of oil, meat parts containing a lot of fat, and processed meats, as they can cause worsening of symptoms. In addition, coffee and beverages that contain a lot of caffeine can also aggravate major symptoms such as itching, so it is recommended to reduce it. In addition, high heat in the body causes dermatosis, so it is recommended not to drink alcohol as much as possible.

3. Stress Control

There is a report that excessive stress worsens the occurrence and symptoms of dermatosis, so it is recommended to regularly implement sufficient rest, sleep, and leisure activities to appropriately reduce it. Also, regular aerobic exercise is a habit that helps lower stress levels, so it is important to do it regularly. It is also important to avoid direct skin contact with hot stimulation or detergents such as dishwashing detergent and laundry soap, and avoiding triggers such as tight clothes, underwear, sauna, and extreme exercise. Other than that, it is said that a good way to help relieve symptoms is to apply a moisturizer regularly to prevent the skin from drying out, and to apply a cold compress using ice or cold water rather than scratching when you feel itchy.

We have looked into various information about the symptoms, treatment, and management of abnormal dermatosis. I hope the various information introduced will be helpful and I hope you have a happy and enjoyable day today.

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