Home Health Heat rash symptoms and how to get rid of them

Heat rash symptoms and how to get rid of them


In the hot and humid summer, the body sweats more to regulate body temperature appropriately in response to the rising temperature. Heat rash refers to a disease in which various symptoms such as rash and blisters occur due to the accumulation of inflammation in sweat glands because sweat ducts or pores of sweat ducts are blocked and sweat cannot be discharged smoothly. Depending on the location where the sweat ducts are blocked, it is usually classified into a modified heat rash, a red heat rash, and a deep heat rash.

The cause of a heat rash is abnormal sweat discharge when exposed to a humid and high temperature environment and UV rays for a long time, wearing non-ventilated clothes for a long time, or excessive use of bacterial infection or irritating soap, etc. It is said that this will happen. It is generally more common in men than in women, and it is known that many babies are more prone to sweat per surface area of ​​the skin than adults because of the high density of sweat glands. Now, let’s learn about the main symptoms of a heat rash and various information related to how to get rid of it one by one.

main symptoms of heat rash

A heat rash causes blisters in the form of small water droplets on the skin, and these blisters occur on the face, neck, chest, and armpits. When a heat rash occurs in a shallow area, itching or tingling sensation is less, but when the pores are blocked in a deep area, symptoms such as pustules and red papules may occur, and the itching and stinging feeling become more severe. It has characteristics.

Although these heat rashes often heal naturally without special treatment, scratching the main areas of itchiness or stinging can not only cause scarring, but also lead to secondary bacterial infections such as eczema and impetigo. Therefore, it is important to improve the environmental factors that cause heat rash, and to properly implement prevention and management habits such as hygiene management and eating habits.

How to prevent and get rid of heat rash

1. Maintain a pleasant and cool environment

A heat rash often recovers naturally within a few days if sweat is reduced by maintaining a pleasant and cool environment. In particular, environments with high temperature and high humidity are the main causes of heat rash, so maintaining proper temperature and humidity and a well ventilated environment are the most important. to dry out, and to regulate the body temperature appropriately. In addition, wearing clothes that do not breathe well for a long time is also the main cause of a heat rash, so it is important to wear loose-fitting clothes that breathe better than clothes that are attached to the body, and it is recommended to wear clothes that absorb sweat easily.

2. Personal hygiene management

In order to prevent heat rash and improve symptoms, it is very important to keep personal hygiene more clean and meticulous. In particular, it is recommended to wash off the sweat after sweating a lot, and if you have a red heat rash, antibacterial soap can help relieve symptoms. However, soaking in warm water can make the symptoms of a heat rash worse, so it is better to wash off sweat with a shower. . In addition, it is recommended to limit the use of fat-soluble creams or lotions used after showering until the heat rash disappears because they can block sweat glands.

3. Maintain ventilation in areas prone to sweating

Sweat is easy to accumulate in areas where the skin folds, such as the neck or hands, so a towel or handkerchief is sometimes wrapped to absorb sweat. It is known that when the skin folds in this way, ventilation does not occur and the humidity increases, which makes a heat rash more easily. Therefore, it is more important to ensure good ventilation than to wrap a towel or handkerchief in the area where the skin folds. And in the case of babies, powder is sometimes applied to areas prone to heat rash. However, if you apply a lot of this kind of powder, it is better to apply it in small amounts because it can block the pores and worsen the heat rash. Also, if you apply the powder to the folds that are prone to sweat, it can cause bacterial growth.

4. Eat foods that are good for heat rash

In order to prevent and effectively get rid of a heat rash, eating foods known to be good for a heat rash is also helpful. Watermelon, which is a representative summer fruit, as well as various foods such as aloe, plum, cucumber, and buckwheat belong to these foods. Each of these foods is rich in water and vitamin C, so it helps to supply moisture quickly and discharge wastes and toxins, and helps to lower body heat, which is said to be effective in alleviating and preventing symptoms of heat rash.

If the symptoms do not subside even after implementing these various methods and management habits, and if symptoms such as itching or stinging become severe, it is important to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment from a specialist. It is known that it is effective in getting rid of heat rash when it is prescribed and applied with topical steroid ointment or antihistamine by accurately understanding the distribution and improvement of skin lesions.

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