Home Health Cerebral Aneurysm Symptoms and Treatment Prevention

Cerebral Aneurysm Symptoms and Treatment Prevention


A cerebral aneurysm is a disease in which weak parts of the middle membrane and inner elastic layer in the brain are created, causing damage and microscopic defects, causing the walls of blood vessels to swell. Usually, the size is less than 10mm, but it can occur to more than 25mm. It mainly occurs between the ages of 40 and 60, and it is reported that the incidence in women is 2.5 to 3 times higher than in men.

Cerebral aneurysms, which are divided into spindle aneurysms, saccular aneurysms, and dissociative aneurysms according to the type of occurrence, have not yet been identified. It is presumed that the region where high pressure is applied to the blood vessel wall is out of balance due to acquired factors, leading to cerebral aneurysm. In addition, genetic factors such as family history, smoking, and causative diseases such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis have a significant influence on the occurrence. In particular, it is known that the risk of occurrence increases during the changing seasons or cold winter, when blood pressure fluctuations increase due to large daily temperature differences. Now, let’s take a closer look at the main symptoms, treatment, and prevention of cerebral aneurysms.

Main symptoms of cerebral aneurysm

In the early stages of a cerebral aneurysm, there are no prognostic symptoms. Then, when the blood vessel ruptures, a sudden and severe headache occurs, and at the same time, various symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and stiff neck occur. Also, when a cerebral aneurysm ruptures, it causes subarachnoid hemorrhage, where blood seeps into the arachnoid membrane between the skull and the brain. This subarachnoid hemorrhage increases the pressure in the head and blocks the blood supply to the brain, and the death rate is known to reach 30-40%. If rebleeding occurs within 24 hours of the first bleeding from a cerebral aneurysm, the mortality rate is about 70%. In addition, even if life is saved with emergency measures and treatment, the person may fall into a coma and lose consciousness, and may leave neurological deficits such as cranial nerve palsy, as well as various physical dysfunctions such as cognitive decline and speech and movement disorders. there is. It is for this reason that brain aneurysms are called the time bomb in the brain.

Therefore, if a sudden and severe type of headache occurs, it is a good way to proceed with several examination procedures through a prompt visit. In addition, since cerebral aneurysms are often discovered before they rupture through regular check-ups, it is recommended that middle-aged and older people check in advance through regular regular check-ups. In particular, it is estimated that the causes of causative diseases such as family history and high blood pressure have a significant influence on the occurrence.

Cerebral aneurysm treatment and prevention

1. Conduct multiple tests and treatments

In order to diagnose the presence of a cerebral aneurysm, various tests such as cerebral angiography CT scan and MRI are performed, and tests such as cerebrovascular angiography can be performed to more accurately confirm the size, shape, and location of the cerebral aneurysm. If a cerebral aneurysm is diagnosed through these tests, various treatment regimens, such as coil embolization and surgical ligation, are implemented in careful consideration of the patient’s condition and the characteristics of each aneurysm. A cerebral aneurysm that has ruptured once has a very high chance of rupture and recurrence, so early treatment is the most important. Even after treatment, there is a risk of complications such as vasospasm and epilepsy, so continuous management is very important.

2. Appropriate intensity exercise habits

Regular exercise can help prevent brain aneurysms. However, excessive and vigorous exercise that exceeds one’s physical fitness limit increases the risk of rupture of a cerebral aneurysm. Likewise, it is recommended to be careful as lifting too heavy objects can also increase the risk of rupture. In addition, smoking and excessive drinking are also known as major risk factors that increase the risk of brain aneurysms, so it is recommended to have a habit of limiting it as much as possible.

3. Low Sodium and Healthy Eating

In preventing brain aneurysms, it is also important to maintain a low-sodium diet and a balanced, healthy diet. In addition, it is said that regular intake of various foods that help smooth blood flow in the brain by inhibiting the formation of blood clots and regulating cholesterol levels is also a very important preventive habit.

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and peanuts, as well as blue fish such as mackerel, saury, and herring, are known as representative foods that help cerebrovascular health to the extent that they are called brain foods. A balanced intake of green vegetables rich in these vegetables is also important. In addition, various foods such as apples, carrots, tomatoes, salmon, and paprika are also known to be good for brain health. On the other hand, excessive intake of processed foods containing large amounts of trans fats and animal fats, refined grains, and various foods containing excessive sugars cause a decrease in brain activity, so it is recommended to control intake.

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