Home Health 4 Main Potassium Benefits and Side Effects

4 Main Potassium Benefits and Side Effects


Also called potassium, potassium, which is in charge of essential functions in the body, is a mineral that acts as a major electrolyte in body fluids along with sodium. Not only is it involved in the regulation of the state of water in the body and the concentration of osmotic pressure, but it also performs important functions including the maintenance of normal blood pressure, contraction and relaxation of muscles, energy metabolism, and the control of the nervous system through the transport of cell membranes and smooth movement of neurotransmitters. There is. When potassium, which plays such an important role, is deficient, symptoms such as weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and sleep disturbance appear.

In particular, when the concentration of potassium in the blood is low, irregular heartbeat symptoms and muscle paralysis, convulsions, and seizures may occur. This will rise Therefore, it can be said that it is important to eat abundant food regularly so as not to become deficient. Now, let’s take a closer look at various information about the main benefits and side effects of potassium.

Calcium Key Benefits

1. Balance with Sodium

Although sodium, which corresponds to the atomic number of 11, is an essential mineral for the maintenance of life, excessive accumulation in the body is the main cause of various chronic diseases and metabolic diseases. Potassium is the mineral most closely related to sodium.

As potassium is involved in the proper interaction with sodium and the antagonistic action that cancels out the properties of each other, it plays an important role in the proper regulation of osmotic pressure in the body through the balance with sodium and in performing normal metabolic functions by balancing body fluids. .

2. Blood pressure control

Excess sodium is well known as the main cause of elevated blood pressure. Unlike sodium, since potassium lowers blood pressure, it relieves tension in the walls of blood vessels and at the same time helps expand blood vessels, thereby helping to regulate blood pressure. In addition, this increase in blood pressure makes the heart rate irregular and acts as a cause of various coronary artery diseases. .

3. Edema improvement

Excessive sodium accumulation in the body causes swelling of arms, legs, and the entire body, and abnormal accumulation of water between cells can cause swelling. Potassium helps the kidneys to excrete sodium through urine and at the same time inhibits reabsorption, so it is said to help relieve swelling of the body and improve symptoms of edema. Potassium is also known to help prevent kidney stones, which are substances in the urine that harden like stones and are deposited in the kidneys.

4. Control of muscle and nerve function

Potassium is also essential for the normal functioning of muscles and nerves. It is involved in helping the proper energy metabolism, including contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscles. In addition, potassium is a mineral that plays an important role not only in helping the normal neurotransmission process, but also in maintaining the normal excitability of nerves, helping the smooth functioning of the nervous system and proper balance and regulation.

Potassium Side Effects and Foods Rich in Potassium

Hypokalemia caused by potassium deficiency is also a problem, but excessive intake of potassium also causes various physical abnormalities. When hyperkalemia, which is caused by a rapid increase in blood potassium concentration, affects the heart muscle of the body, it not only causes problems such as sensory disturbance, but also abnormal symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract such as diarrhea, upset stomach, and intestinal cramps, and It can lead to various problems with the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, when the excessive supply of potassium continues, if the kidney function is weak, it causes a problem in the excretion of potassium, which increases the risk of diseases such as renal failure. may lead to complications. Therefore, it can be said that the most healthy intake method is to consume about 4.7g, which is known as the recommended daily potassium intake for adults.

Potassium is known to be abundant in various vegetables and fruits such as bananas, avocados, spinach, beetroot, water parsley, carrots, Chinese cabbage, kiwi, tomatoes, melons, and water parsley. In addition, it is reported that various foods such as legumes such as kidney beans and peas, fish such as salmon, mackerel and yellowtail, and potatoes and sweet potatoes contain abundant potassium.

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