Home Health How To Prevent And Deal With Heat Illness In Winter

How To Prevent And Deal With Heat Illness In Winter


Air-conditioning disease refers to a series of symptoms that appear when air conditioning continues in an enclosed space with poor ventilation in hot and humid summer. If symptoms similar to a cold appear, such as headache, runny nose, or stuffy nose, and at the same time become more severe, gastrointestinal disorders such as bloating and diarrhea are accompanied. In addition, it is known that if you already have a chronic disease, your immune function will decrease further and your symptoms may get worse.

If air-conditioning disease is a disease caused by excessive cooling in the summer, heat illness can occur even in the cold and dry winter due to excessive heating. Heat Illness is not a life-threatening disease, but it causes a lot of inconvenience in life due to various related symptoms that occur, and if it continues for a long time, it acts as a cause of skin, eye, and respiratory-related diseases. It is important to prevent in advance with habits. So, today, let’s learn more about the main causes and symptoms that cause the occurrence of Heat Illness, as well as various information about prevention and treatment.

Heat Illness Causes and Symptoms

Heat Illness is a type of closed building syndrome caused by staying in an enclosed indoor space for a long time. It is said that the indoor environment becomes dry due to excessive use of heaters, heaters, and heaters used to increase the indoor temperature in winter. It is known that excessive heating in a confined and enclosed space causes the body to not adapt well to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors.

In case of Heat Illness symptoms, dry indoor air causes dryness of eyes, nose, mouth, and throat, stinging, and headache. These symptoms usually get better when you breathe outside air, but if you use a heating product for a long time, the symptoms worsen and you will continue to be tired even if you rest, and symptoms such as chest tightness, dizziness, and memory loss may occur. may appear. Also, if the symptoms are more severe, swelling of the hands and feet or throbbing pain in the wrists, knees, and back may occur.

These various forms of Heat Illness are not dangerous enough to pose a threat to health. However, if the symptoms persist, it can cause various inconveniences in life, such as deterioration of physical condition and decline in academic and work efficiency, which can significantly reduce the quality of life. It may also act as a cause of inflammatory diseases such as dry eye syndrome, dry skin, and rhinitis. Heat Illness is known to be sufficiently preventable with proper lifestyle and management habits, so it is recommended to continuously implement various methods that can help manage it.

Heat Illness Prevention and Countermeasures

1. Controlling the use of heaters

The most effective way to prevent Heat Illness in advance is to control the use of the heater. It is said that the temperature should be maintained at around 18~20℃, which is known as the proper indoor temperature. It is also important to periodically ventilate to circulate the internal air. When using a heater, it is recommended to turn off the heater every 3-4 hours and leave the window open for about 5 minutes. In addition, if a lot of dust accumulates in a poorly ventilated room, the risk of respiratory-related diseases increases. And when you return to the room after going out, there are cases where the heater is set to a high temperature to quickly raise the temperature. It is recommended to be careful as it is said that such a sudden change in temperature can weaken the immune system of the body.

2. Maintain proper humidity

If the dry indoor air continues, it makes the eyes and skin dry, and if it continues for a long time, it can cause various diseases such as dry skin and dry eyes. Therefore, it is important to maintain a suitable indoor humidity of 40 to 60%. It is said that using a humidifier, hanging wet laundry or towels, and doing various methods of growing plants that help control humidity will help a lot in maintaining proper humidity in the room. Also, drinking 7-8 glasses of water a day to provide sufficient moisture to the body is also said to be beneficial in preventing heat illness caused by dry indoor air.

3. Light walks

Taking a light walk during breaks or lunch breaks and breathing outside air is a good way to prevent and effectively deal with Heat Illness. If it is difficult to go outside, it is said that doing light stretching or manso gymnastics from time to time to relax stiff muscles and release the body helps a lot in preventing Heat Illness.

In addition, drinking warm tea or eating enough seasonal fruits such as tangerines and apples can provide sufficient moisture to prevent heat illness. In particular, seasonal fruits such as mandarin oranges are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which is known to be effective in managing immunity and preventing colds, which are easy to fall in winter.

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