Home Facts 10 Fun Facts About New York City That You Didn’t Know

10 Fun Facts About New York City That You Didn’t Know

10 Fun Facts About New York City That You Didn't Know
10 Fun Facts About New York City That You Didn’t Know (Pixabay)

A sense of New York City’s lively pace will certainly give you a sense of fresh air and inspiration. To this end, we have compiled some surprising facts about New York City.

1. New York City was originally called New Amsterdam.

2. In New York City, a new baby is born every four minutes and four seconds.

3. The city itself is not very large and consists of about 300 square miles.

4. 52% of the population is made up of women. So maybe it’s a paradise for men to date!

5. New York City has a much larger Chinese population than any other US city and the largest Puerto Rican population in the world!

6. New York City has 722 miles of subway tracks.

7. Central Park is one of the largest parks in the world.

8. Madison Square was originally a cemetery, so are Washington Square Park and Union Square Park.

9. There are 40,000 food vendors. May God bless all the trucks selling delicious food!

10. New York City’s pizza is said to be the best in the world. Thanks for the special waters of this city (and also due to the large number of Italian migrations!!)

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