Home News Top 5 Treadmills For Exercise

Top 5 Treadmills For Exercise


A treadmill is an exercise machine and the best option for in house walking and workouts. They are great for cardio workouts, burning of calories, stamina building, and increase of fitness profiles.

The treadmill has manual, motorized, and hybrid versions with residential and commercial applications. In buying a treadmill the main parameter is the quality of its continuous-duty motor where the power must not be below 1.5 horsepower.

The best treadmill brands offer a range of models with proper horsepower decided on the basis of frequency of use and the number of heavyweight people working on a unit.

Here we are picking 5 treadmills based on their appeal in terms of performance, features, and price, in the residential segment.

Peloton Treadmill

Peloton treadmill will be a status symbol for an owner as it is pricey and a super performing machine. Although it may cost an average of $4,000, demand is not slowing.

It is attractive, fun, and easy to use and charms with a great design. It can switch into a manual mode. The machine has a weight capacity of 350 pounds and scores high in features, usability, design, and performance.

Nautilus T618

The Nautilus brand impresses with the rock-solid build quality and premium design. In this electric treadmill, the start, stop, speed, and incline buttons are large, rubberized, and easy to use. The rubberized side rails give easy to grip with buttons well adjusted for speed and incline.

The LCD display and the weight capacity of 350 pounds are notable. After every workout or a distance of one mile, the Fitness Score will be displayed on the LCD screen. Surely, it is a good bet under the $1,500 category.

NordicTrack 1750

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 treadmill is perfect for a walk, jog, or run at home. The powerful 3.75 CHP smart-response motor gives ample power for tough workouts. At a price below $1,800 it offers the right power with built-in iFit making work out fun.

Sole F63

In the under $1,000 group, the Sole Fitness treadmill brings many health fitness features extended by other expensive machines.

One special feature is the built-in tablet stand for watching videos during exercise. A slew of Bluetooth built-in speakers will also connect to the phone to play music.

The handrails offer built-in speed and incline controls with dedicated spots to put feet and step off the treadmill during intervals.

ProForm Smart Pro 2000

It is good to call the ProForm Smart Pro 2000 a budget treadmill. The 3.5 CHP Mach Z motor with a great running deck of 22” x 60” supports people up to 300 pounds.

It is reliable for intense training like jogging, sprinting, and hard running. The running surface is also large enough at 22” x 60.” The cushioned running deck embellished by ProShox cushions also deserves special mention.

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