Home Health Phosphatidylserine Benefits and Side Effects

Phosphatidylserine Benefits and Side Effects


Phosphatidylserine is a compound of choline phosphate and diglyceride, and is the most representative phospholipid that mixes with water and oil. Phosphatidylserine is widely distributed in the animal and plant kingdoms. In animal tissues, it accounts for about half of the lipids, and it is known to be contained in the brain’s nerve cell membranes as it acts as an important component of cell membranes. In the plant world, it is known that it contains a lot of soybeans and sunflower seeds. Phosphatidylserine acts as an important component of biomembrane lipids and plays an important role in the activity of various enzymes necessary for living tissues as well as an excellent source of choline that helps the synthesis of substances such as acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. It is known. Now, what are the main effects of phosphatidylserine, and what are the side effects to be aware of when ingested?

Phosphatidylserine main effects

1. Improve brain function

The most representative effect of phosphatidylserine is the improvement of brain function. It is widely distributed in the nerve cell membrane of the brain and is said to have the effect of protecting the brain cells because it is a major component of the cell membrane. It is also known to act in preventing the fluidity of brain cell membranes from being deteriorated due to brain aging.

At the same time, it acts to supply choline, which serves as a fuel for neurotransmitter synthesis, and at the same time, it prevents the reduction of nerve neurons and synapses and restores them. It is known to work. As there are about 3,000 papers on phosphatidylserine related to brain function enhancement such as cognitive ability and memory, its stability and effectiveness are recognized.

2. Dementia Prevention

Dementia, which refers to a condition in which it is impossible to maintain daily life due to impairment of memory and cognitive function, is known to be caused by various factors such as aging and the accumulation of toxic substances in the hippocampus and frontal lobe. Phosphatidylserine not only inhibits the accumulation of beta-amyloid, which causes brain cell destruction, but also helps in the regulation and synthesis of neurotransmitters that directly act on memory and cognition. They say they can help. In fact, in a study conducted in the United States of 50 patients with an average age of 60.5 years, taking 300 mg of phosphatidylserine daily for 12 weeks, showed that learning ability improved by 10.7 years and memory by 11.6 years . In addition, as a result of ingesting 500 mg of phosphatidylserine for 3 weeks in a 59-year-old woman with Alzheimer’s disease, the activity of the brain function, which had been lowered, increased again. Due to this effect, it is widely used as an adjuvant to improve dementia and prevent memory loss in the United States and Japan.

Other Effects

In addition to the aforementioned effects, phosphatidylserine is said to have a good effect on improving the symptoms of attention deficit disorder. It is also reported to have a beneficial effect on the skin moisturizing effect that restores the skin tissue damaged by UV rays and moisturizes the skin. Phosphatidylserine Side Effects and Notes on Purchasing

There are no special side effects of phosphatidylserine, but as it is a soy-derived ingredient, if you have a soy-related allergy, it is recommended to be careful as related symptoms may occur when ingested. In addition, pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to take it, and if you have symptoms of a sleep disorder such as insomnia, it is recommended that you do not consume it because the symptoms may worsen. And because there are reports that if you consume too much at one time, symptoms such as indigestion and bloating appear, it is recommended to consume about 300mg, which is known as the recommended daily intake.

Since it is known that phosphatidylserine cannot be synthesized in our body, it must be ingested through external food. Although soy is the most abundant in soybeans, it is estimated that about 15 kg of soybeans are required to achieve the recommended daily intake of 300 mg. And even if you consume that amount, it is not fully absorbed by the body, so taking it through healthy food can be an alternative. When purchasing phosphatidylserine in the form of health food, it is recommended to check whether the raw material is regular soybean. Products using genetically modified GMO soybeans as raw materials can have adverse effects on the human body, so it is a good way to check whether they are NON-GMO before purchasing.

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