Home Health Folliculitis Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Folliculitis Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment


Hair follicles, which are the skin organs that make hair, are responsible for enveloping the hair roots in the dermis and supplying nutrients. Folliculitis refers to an inflammatory disease caused by bacterial infection by these hair follicles and the skin surrounding the hair follicles. Depending on the depth of the invaded hair follicle, it is classified into shallow pus folliculitis and deep pus folliculitis.

The main cause of folliculitis is infections caused by various causative bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Gram-negative bacteria. Among them, Staphylococcus aureus is known to account for the largest proportion of the occurrence. In addition, folliculitis caused by P. aeruginosa can occur after bathing in a hot tub or when acne treatment is performed for a long period of time.

In addition, various factors such as diabetes and obesity also increase the incidence, and when unsanitary habits, including frequent plucking of the nasal hairs, are continued for a long time, they act as a major factor in the occurrence of folliculitis. In addition, contact with various substances such as paraffin, tar, and petroleum and exposure to an environment where chemicals are emitted are also causes of folliculitis. Now, let’s check in more detail about the main symptoms, treatment, and prevention of folliculitis.

The main symptoms of folliculitis

Folliculitis is characterized by slightly different symptoms depending on the cause and site. In case of folliculitis, a shallow pustular substance that invades the upper part, pustules ranging in size from 1 mm to 4 mm and papules covered with scabs occur on the chest, back, and buttocks including the face. These pustules form on the skin that has turned red and may be accompanied by itching and mild pain. In addition, in the case of folliculitis, a deep pus substance that invades the lower part, it tends to occur around the upper lip and on the mustache part of the face. Inflammatory pustules and papules occur, as well as the characteristic that inflammation spreads to the periphery after shaving.

These folliculitis are similar in shape to acne, so it is difficult to distinguish them. Unlike acne, where sebum is discharged when confused with acne, pus and blood are discharged, and the squeezed part swells more. In addition, mild symptoms that used to occur mainly on the hairy scalp or limbs can spread throughout the body, leading to systemic symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes or chills and fever. And when the symptoms become severe, scars can form, which can lead to symptoms such as the occurrence of boils and hair loss due to the deep penetration of the causative bacteria. Therefore, it is important to proceed with early examination and treatment when suspicious symptoms appear, and it is important to prevent chronicity by continuing lifestyle habits that help relieve symptoms.

Folliculitis Treatment and Prevention

1. Treatment according to various tests and diagnosis results

Folliculitis is diagnosed accurately by performing various test procedures, such as a bacterial culture test to find the causative organism, and Gram staining, which collects and confirms secretions from boils. After that, treatment is performed by prescribing an anti-inflammatory agent to suppress inflammation, as well as a cleaning agent containing antibacterial ingredients. And if the occurrence of folliculitis is long and chronic, it can be treated by prescribing drugs such as corticosteroids.

2. Clean and meticulous hygiene management

In order to prevent and manage folliculitis, it is very important to pay more attention to hygiene management. In addition to washing your face regularly, it is recommended to avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. In addition, using antibacterial soap when washing your face and shampoo containing antifungal agents when folliculitis occurs on the scalp are also said to help improve symptoms. Also, since folliculitis due to bacterial infection can occur when shaving, it is important to keep the razor clean to minimize the risk of infection. In addition, since the humid and hot environment is easy for bacteria to inhabit, limiting and reducing exposure to these environments is also an important part in the prevention and treatment of folliculitis.

3. Implementation of habits that increase immunity

It is known that folliculitis has a great influence not only on the causative bacteria, but also on the immune function that is lowered by environmental factors such as irregular and wrong eating habits, stress, and overwork. Therefore, the steady practice of various lifestyle habits that can enhance the immune system that protects the body from these various factors is also an important part.

In addition to getting enough rest and sleep, it is important to reduce overeating and overeating, and to maintain a healthy diet composed of balanced nutrients is important in managing immunity. In particular, since folliculitis is closely related to factors such as diabetes and obesity, it is very important to maintain a healthy diet.

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