Home Health Diseases caused by chair disease and prevention

Diseases caused by chair disease and prevention


There are many cases of sitting in a chair for a long time to do various tasks, including studies, and office work. If you sit in this fixed position for a long time, your body becomes stiff due to the effect of slowing blood circulation and metabolism, and pain in the back, neck, shoulder, and wrist is accompanied. And when such a sedentary habit of sitting in a chair for a long time becomes long, it causes problems in each part of the body, such as a decrease in muscle function and abnormal secretion of hormones, and increases the risk of various diseases such as various musculoskeletal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. this will increase.

Chair disease is a disease caused by the habit of sitting for a long time, and it means a disease that can occur while sitting for a long period of time, usually 7-8 hours a day. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined the habit of sitting for a long time as a cause of various diseases, and defined it as a sitting disease. It can be said to be a new term for a disease caused by the lifestyle of modern people who have been sitting for a long time and lack of physical activity. Now, let’s take a look at the various diseases that can be caused by Euija disease and various management methods that can help prevent it in advance.

Types of diseases caused by chair disease

When the habit of sitting in a chair for a long time continues, abnormal symptoms occur in each part of the body because it adversely affects the musculoskeletal system, such as muscles and joints, and the immune function and the normal balance of hormones in the body. Among them, the representative area that causes the greatest discomfort is the lower back. And it is said that such back pain can cause a herniated disc, which is caused by the prolapse of a disc, a structure between the bones of the vertebrae. In addition, if you sit for such a long time and look down at a monitor lower than your eye level for a long time, you may develop turtle neck syndrome, a symptom of bending forward like a turtle neck.

In addition, movement restricted and fixed posture due to chair disease makes the ligaments covering the carpal tunnel thicken, compresses the median nerve, and causes carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes symptoms such as numbness and decreased sensation in the hands, as well as around the anus and inside the rectum. It can cause the veins in the tissue to swell, causing hemorrhoid symptoms. In addition, the slower blood flow facilitates coagulation, and harmful LDL cholesterol increases due to decreased production of lipoprotein degrading enzymes, which increases the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. you will lose In addition, the lack of physical activity due to a sitting posture increases the likelihood of causing diseases such as obesity, leg edema, arthritis, muscle pain, varicose veins, plantar fasciitis, etc. there is.

How to prevent and manage chair disease

1. Control your sitting time

In order to prevent and manage chair disease, it is necessary to reduce the amount of time sitting as much as possible and increase physical activity. As there is a study showing that sitting for 3 to 4 hours is similar to smoking 1.5 packs of cigarettes a day, it is recommended to reduce sitting time and get up and move frequently to prevent various physical abnormalities caused by chair disease. It is also recommended to change your posture while sitting, and if you have been sitting for about an hour, get up from a chair for 5-10 minutes and do stretching or gymnastics to help relax the hardened muscles.

2. Maintain good posture

In addition to controlling the sitting time, maintaining a correct posture when sitting is also an important management habit in preventing chair disease. It is important to maintain a correct posture as a fixed sitting posture for a long time is the main cause of pain in the neck, back, and shoulder, as well as increasing the risk of various musculoskeletal disorders. Sit on a backrest with your back straight and your feet fully supported on the floor. If it is difficult to fully attach your feet to the ground, it is said to be a good way to support your feet using a pedestal, etc. And since it is known that when you bow your head, the load on your head increases three times compared to when you straighten it, it is recommended to have a habit of staring straight ahead with your neck straight and your chest open.

3. Continue moderate exercise

It is also said that it is important to prevent and manage chair disease by securing sufficient exercise time to relax the muscles that have been strained due to sitting for a long time and to restore the lowered metabolism to normal. If you do not have enough time to exercise, it is said that it is very helpful to use the commuting time to increase walking time and to use the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

In addition, if you turn or rub your neck lightly, and if you regularly do sit-ups or push-ups, it helps to relax the muscles, and it is said that you can get a good effect in preventing various diseases caused by chair disease. However, it is recommended to do moderate-intensity exercise because too much exercise outside the range of one’s physical strength can have a negative effect.

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