Home Health Capsaicin Benefits and Side Effects

Capsaicin Benefits and Side Effects


Chilli is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Solanaceae family and is well known as a representative spice vegetable with a spicy taste. Apples contain 20 times more vitamin C, including beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, to protect the body from free radicals, and to recover from fatigue, replenish energy, and improve metabolism for normal brain and nervous system function. plays a role in maintaining The characteristic spicy taste of these peppers can be attributed to the ingredient called capsaicin. Capsaicin, a kind of alkaloid and a colorless volatile compound, is the most contained in red pepper seeds and is known to be abundantly contained in the skin of red peppers.

The reason this capsaicin component is produced in pepper is to protect it from other plants and animals and at the same time to spread the seeds to help the seeds reproduce. The unique pungent taste of capsaicin is also known to have various beneficial effects on the body, such as reducing stress, analgesic, sterilizing, and promoting fat breakdown at the same time as enhancing the digestive function. Now, let’s take a closer look at the main effects of capsaicin and the side effects to be aware of when ingested.

Capsaicin main effects

1. analgesic

Capsaicin is said to have an excellent analgesic effect to relieve pain. The unique pungent taste of capsaicin ingredients feels like pain at first, but it releases endorphins through stimulation of nerve cells in the brain to make people forget about pain, and lowers the sensitivity of nerve cells that transmit pain, resulting in less pain. .

In particular, nerve fibers that transmit pain are distributed in the stomach, and the capsaicin component blocks the transmission path of these nerve fibers, thereby reducing pain and bloating in the stomach. It is also reported to be widely used as a treatment for neuralgia caused by poor blood flow by promoting blood circulation, as well as relieving pain in various diseases such as herpes zoster, peripheral neuropathy, and arthritis.

2. Stress Relief

Capsaicin is a nociceptive sensation that is felt through pain rather than taste, such as salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. As mentioned before, nociception stimulates nerve cells in the brain to release endorphins with analgesic effect. .

3. Gastroprotective action

Capsaicin is present in the epithelial cells of the stomach while protecting the stomach by helping blood circulation in the gastric mucosa. . In addition, capsaicin stimulates the stomach wall to promote the secretion of gastric acid and activates digestive enzymes, which is said to have a beneficial effect on smooth digestion.

4. Lipolysis effect

Capsaicin is said to be effective in dieting by promoting the breakdown of fat. It is said to be involved in the action of burning body fat by promoting metabolism and blood circulation. In addition, it helps to convert white fat, which is responsible for storing body fat, into brown fat, which generates heat and is consumed as energy.

Other efficacy and side effects

In addition to the various effects mentioned above, capsaicin not only controls blood sugar by preventing a rapid rise in blood sugar, but also promotes blood circulation and has a good effect on blood pressure control, thereby helping to prevent various cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it has been found to be effective in anti-inflammatory and sterilization as well as in anti-cancer activity through several recent studies.

The various effects of capsaicin mentioned above can be said to be effects obtained when consumed in an appropriate amount. If consumed in excess, it may stimulate the intestines and cause diarrhea, damage to liver function, and decrease immune function. In addition, although ingestion of an appropriate amount of capsaicin has a protective effect on the stomach, excessive intake causes damage to the gastric mucosa, causing symptoms such as heartburn, and aggravating the occurrence and symptoms of related diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcer. It is a good way to consume it in moderation, as it can cause irritation.

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