Home Health 5 Tips on how to lower the discomfort index

5 Tips on how to lower the discomfort index


In the hot summer months, the discomfort index, which affects the body and mind, increases due to the high temperature and humidity. The discomfort index is a numerical value that expresses the degree of discomfort according to the weather using temperature and humidity. In 1959, American climatologist Thom (E. C. Thom) announced the index indicating the perceived climate, also called the temperature and humidity index. In addition, the discomfort index is usually divided into four levels, and according to the index range, it is divided into low, medium, high, and very high. It is impossible to measure the exact value of the discomfort index because each person feels discomfort differently, but in general, it is assumed that 50% of the discomfort index is over 75, and most people feel discomfort if it is 80 or more. If the discomfort index increases in hot weather, it will have a lot of influence on the discharge of sweat and maintenance of normal condition. Not only that, it can lead to situations that lead to quarrels and fights as nerves become sensitive to trivial things that would normally be overlooked, and irritation and stress appear. Therefore, it is very important to implement various methods to help stabilize the circadian rhythm, which is irregularly changed due to the muggy weather, and to maintain an appropriate body temperature. So today, we are going to look at several methods that can help lower the discomfort index.

How to lower the discomfort index

1. Room temperature and humidity control

The first way to lower the discomfort index is to control the proper room temperature and humidity to prevent the body temperature from rising as much as possible. It is known that the sensible temperature can be lowered by 2-3 degrees or more by controlling the indoor temperature and removing moisture. It is also recommended to keep the humidity between 40-70%, and it is recommended to use a dehumidifier or to control the humidity through indoor ventilation. In addition, it is a good way to grow plants that are good for air purification to prevent the indoor temperature from rising and to maintain comfortable indoor air.

2. Stay hydrated

Since the discomfort increases when the body lacks water, it is also a good idea to drink a sufficient amount of water when the discomfort index continues to be high. It is better to drink small amounts of water frequently than to drink large amounts all at once. In addition, it is effective to sufficiently replenish the moisture lost due to sweating and to eat a balanced intake of watermelon, pineapple, and peaches, etc.

3. Shower with lukewarm water

When the discomfort index is high, take a cold shower a lot to lower the elevated body temperature. When you shower with cold water, your body temperature temporarily drops, but the peripheral blood vessels constrict and your body temperature rises quickly. In addition, a sudden shower with cold water causes the dilated blood vessels to contract rapidly, increasing the pressure and raising blood pressure, which can put stress on heart health. Therefore, it is recommended to shower with lukewarm water as much as possible. Taking a shower with lukewarm water like this promotes the decomposition of lactic acid in the muscle fatigue substance, which is said to be effective in quickly restoring psychological stability.

4. Get enough sleep

If you do not get a good night’s sleep, your body rhythm will be disrupted, and headaches and fatigue will accumulate, making you more affected by the discomfort index. Especially in summer, the tropical night phenomenon that continues even at night time disrupts normal circadian rhythms, making it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Therefore, it is important to set regular sleep times to keep your body rhythm consistent. A way to help you get a good night’s sleep is to create a comfortable and pleasant sleep environment while at the same time reducing excessive smartphone use, TV, and computer use before bedtime. Also, drinking warm milk, banana, or jujube tea for normal synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep, is a good way to get a good night’s sleep. In addition, taking a nap of 10 minutes is a good way to recover from physical condition, but taking a nap of 30 minutes or more can interfere with sleep at night, so it is recommended to be careful.

5. Refrain from outdoor activities during periods of strong sunlight

In order not to increase the discomfort index, it is good to reduce outdoor activities as much as possible during times of strong sunlight. In particular, people who are vulnerable to heat, such as children and the elderly, should refrain from outdoor activities between 12:00 and 5:00. Also, if you have to do outdoor activities when the temperature is high and the discomfort index is very high, it is recommended to take frequent breaks in the shade or in a cool place with an air conditioner. Also, when you need to exercise in the hot summer, you should avoid the afternoon time when heat waves occur, and it is recommended to use the morning and evening hours for aerobic exercise such as walking or jogging. It is better to wear clothes made of materials that absorb and drain sweat easily, or clothes made of functional materials that lower the temperature, rather than wearing clothes that are too tight during other exercise or daily exercise.

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