Home Health Symptoms of protein deficiency

Symptoms of protein deficiency


Proteins, which are the main components of the body such as various organs, hormones, and enzymes, are organic polymers made by connecting molecules called amino acids to each other through chemical bonds. It uses collagen and elastin to support the outside of the cell, supports the inside of the cell through microfibers and intermediate fiber microtubules, and regulates body movement through myosin and actin.

In addition, it can be said that the main function of a protein is not only the role of transporting substances in the cell membrane, but also the repair and maintenance of high molecular substances in the living body. The reason protein is called one of the three essential nutrients along with carbohydrates and fats is that it is directly related to the body’s normal metabolism.

If the protein, which plays such an important role, is insufficient in the body, there is a problem in the smooth operation of the metabolism and abnormalities in maintaining the muscles and various body organs normally. In particular, when these physical abnormalities are prolonged, they cause a decrease in immune function and act as a cause of various fatal chronic diseases and infectious diseases. So today, let’s take a closer look at the various physical symptoms and warning signs that appear when protein intake is insufficient.

Symptoms of protein deficiency

1. Fatigue and lethargy

When protein is insufficient in the body, energy is lost, fatigue and lethargy occur. Since protein is responsible for building muscle and producing energy, a deficiency of this protein directly causes the body to lose muscle, energy, and strength, resulting in a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

2. Sick symptoms occur for no reason

Proteins are responsible for forming immune cells and lymphoid tissues that are directly related to the immune system that defends the body. Therefore, a deficiency of these proteins causes problems in the normal production of all compounds in the immune system, which leads to a decrease in the body’s overall immunity.

Also, due to this weakening of immunity, the body becomes ill often without knowing the cause, and becomes vulnerable to the occurrence of various infectious diseases, including colds.

3. Increased cravings for protein intake

When protein intake is insufficient, our body continuously sends signals that protein is insufficient, so the desire to consume protein-rich meat such as beef, pork, and chicken and various legumes increases. In addition, the lack of protein intake also increases the craving for foods high in sugar. Proteins are digested more slowly than carbohydrates, so they play a role in stabilizing blood sugar. If you continue to eat a carbohydrate-based diet, your blood sugar rises quickly and then falls again quickly, so your craving for sugar increases.

4. Thinning hair

It can be said that most of the protein that forms the basis of the epithelial structure of hair is a protein called keratin. When our body lacks protein, the body first supplies protein to organs and muscles, and then supplies the hair with a lower priority, so hair becomes thin and weak. And if the symptoms of thinning hair become chronic, it can lead to hair loss.

5. Damage to nails and skin

Keratin, mentioned earlier, plays a role in forming the basics of not only hair, but also nails and skin. Therefore, the lack of protein causes problems in normal cell growth, which not only weakens the nails, but also causes various problems such as rough skin tissue and dryness.

6. Decreased concentration

Protein acts as a fuel to supply the brain with the energy it needs, and it is said that it plays an important role in enhancing and maintaining the concentration of the brain. Therefore, when protein is insufficient, there is a problem in supplying sufficient energy to the brain, and blood sugar is not stable, so it rises and falls continuously, which can act as a cause of lowering concentration.

It is very important to consume about 50~55g, which is known as the recommended daily intake, in order to prevent such a decrease in concentration as well as these various symptoms in advance.

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