Home Health 5 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Whole Wheat

5 Amazing Benefits Of Eating Whole Wheat

Benefits Of Eating Whole Wheat
Benefits Of Eating Whole Wheat (Pixabay)

Wheat, which belongs to the rice family, is one of the grains cultivated in each region of the world to the extent that it ranks second after corn in the world grain production. It is a food resource that has been cultivated for a long time along with rice, and it is a grain with a wide range of uses for various dishes such as bread, confectionery, and noodles. Whole wheat refers to whole grains from which only the hull has been removed without undergoing a milling process. Whole wheat, which has a characteristic rough and hard texture and unique flavor, is widely used in confectionery and baking, and is widely used as a material for bread, cookies, biscuits, etc. In addition, it is variously used as an auxiliary ingredient for salads and teas. Although it has a rougher texture than regular wheat that has undergone the milling process, it is known to have a variety of beneficial effects on the body because it contains more vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Now, let’s take a look at the main benefits of whole wheat one by one.

Whole wheat main benefits

1. Maintain blood sugar

When you consume carbohydrates such as refined flour, it accelerates the secretion of insulin during the process of being absorbed into the body, and the blood sugar rises rapidly. If this sudden spike in blood sugar continues, the pancreas exerts an strain on the insulin secretion, and if it continues for a long time, there is a problem in the normal secretion of insulin, which increases the risk of diabetes. Because whole wheat has a lower glycemic index than refined wheat, it is said that blood pressure does not rise or fall rapidly, helping to maintain blood sugar.

2. Antioxidant action Whole wheat contains abundant polyphenols, which are recognized as powerful antioxidants, so it is effective in protecting our body from free radicals that attack normal cells and reduce the body’s immune function and cause aging. to do. In addition, whole wheat has a high content of vitamin E, a type of fat-soluble vitamin, which neutralizes oxidative stress caused by free radicals, thereby maintaining cell membranes and preventing cell aging.

3. Prevention of cardiovascular disease

The complex action of vitamin B complex, which is contained in a variety of vitamins along with the abundant vitamin E in whole wheat, helps control cholesterol levels and regulates blood pressure, thereby effectively promoting blood circulation and vascular health. In addition, various components such as betaine and choline contained in whole wheat help to facilitate homocysteine ​​metabolism. By this action, it suppresses the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels due to the increase in homocysteine ​​concentration, and at the same time helps to reduce the level of LDL cholesterol, which damages the endothelial tissue of the blood vessels. According to data released by the American Heart Association, regular consumption of whole grains such as whole wheat improves hyperlipidemia, which increases the amount of fat in the blood, and reduces the incidence of cardiovascular diseases by 21%.

4. Inflammation suppression

Inflammation is a natural response of the body to any stimulus, but when it is over-activated and becomes chronic, it causes the occurrence of various inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. By the complex action of various components such as vitamin E, choline, and betaine, which are abundant in whole wheat, it is excellent in helping to suppress the generation of immune mediators that cause inflammation, and it is effective in preventing various inflammatory diseases caused by excessive inflammation. In particular, the vitamin E component of whole wheat is known to help prevent neurodegenerative diseases caused by the destruction of fat cells in the brain and inducing inflammation.

5. Gut Health

Under the influence of dietary fiber, which is abundant in whole wheat, it helps to maintain an appropriate ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestine, thereby having an excellent effect on the intestinal tract, which improves the intestinal environment. In addition, it helps smooth bowel movements by promoting intestinal peristalsis, so it is effective in preventing constipation and improving symptoms.

Other benefits of whole wheat

In addition to the various benefits mentioned above, whole wheat is excellent in helping the secretion of serotonin, known as the happiness hormone, to relieve accumulated stress and to stabilize the mind and body. In addition, the various components such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and calcium in whole wheat are said to have a good effect in preventing muscle cramps and cramps caused by stress. How to choose and store whole wheat

When choosing whole wheat, it is best to avoid anything that is cracked or heavily powdered. It is also said that there is not much chaff and it is recommended to choose one that is well dried. In addition, when cleaning whole wheat, it is recommended to select the chaff and wash it thoroughly in water. When using whole wheat flour, it is recommended to use it by sieving it once. And since whole wheat has the property of being easily oxidized, it can be said that it is a good storage method to refrigerate it in a sealed method that blocks air during storage. In addition, whole wheat has a high content of vitamins and minerals, but it is known that the content of amino acids is somewhat lacking.

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