Home Health 8 Best Foods For Cerebrovascular

8 Best Foods For Cerebrovascular

8 Best Foods For Cerebrovascular
8 Best Foods For Cerebrovascular (Pixabay)

The brain, which is the largest organ in the body and the center of the nervous system, is composed of various parts such as the cerebrum, cerebellum, and midbrain. It can be said to be the most essential organ that performs essential functions in the body, such as motor functions and sensory processing functions, memory and learning functions, language functions, and hormone secretion. If the brain, which plays such an important role, has a problem, the possibility of developing various diseases such as encephalitis, brain tumor, and stroke increases. Among them, stroke, which collectively refers to both cerebral infarction caused by cerebrovascular blockage and cerebral hemorrhage caused by cerebrovascular rupture, is one of the three major causes of death along with cancer and heart disease. Well known.

In order to protect the cerebrovascular and prevent and manage brain-related diseases, it is very important to control the intake of foods high in cholesterol and salt content, which adversely affect the cerebrovascular system, to exercise regularly, to get enough sleep, and to avoid excessive drinking and smoking. I can. In particular, it is one of the very important management habits to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits, which are excellent in preventing the formation of blood clots that impede blood flow and helping the discharge of cholesterol and waste products. Now, let’s find out what foods are helpful in preventing cerebrovascular disease and making cerebrovascular healthy.

Foods good for cerebrovascular

1. Fish With Blue Back

The first foods that are good for cerebrovascularity are mackerel, saury, herring, and blue-green fish such as sardines. Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are abundantly contained in blue-green fish, are composed of several components such as EPA and DHA. These ingredients prevent blood clotting and at the same time, they are involved in dissolving clots that have hardened in blood vessels, thereby contributing to cerebrovascular health. In addition, it has the effect of inhibiting the deposition of harmful LDL cholesterol in the cerebrovascular system, so it is known to have a beneficial effect in preventing various cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Tomato

Tomatoes, which have a reputation as an excellent superfood due to their high content of various antioxidants and vitamins, are also said to be helpful for cerebrovascular health. Lycopene, a key ingredient in tomatoes, has an antioxidant power that is about 100 times greater than that of vitamin E. This powerful antioxidant action is said to be effective in protecting the cerebrovascular system from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

In addition, it contains not only lycopene, but also beta-carotene and vitamin C, which are excellent antioxidants, so it has a good effect on cerebrovascular health. In addition, since the content of vitamin P, which helps strengthen capillaries, is high, regular consumption of tomatoes has a beneficial effect on the prevention of various cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Stachys affinis

It is also said to be one of the good foods for cerebrovascularity, which belongs to the perennial herb of the Lamiaceae family. Alginic acid, which is abundant in Stachys affinis, works to widen blood vessels, and stachidrin, which has a high content ratio, prevents the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels, which is said to help promote blood circulation and promote cerebrovascular health. In addition, Stachys affinis has a high content of choline, which helps brain cell activation, and phenylethanoid, an excellent antioxidant, and various vitamins have a beneficial effect in preventing aging of cerebrovascular and improving blood flow in cerebrovascular smoothly. do.

4. Nuts

When nuts such as walnuts, almonds, and peanuts are consumed regularly, the rich plant omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in the nuts inhibit the deposition of LDL cholesterol, a harmful cholesterol, in the cerebrovascular system, which helps prevent cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke. is said to give In addition, the nuts are also rich in vitamin E, an excellent nutrient that helps improve blood circulation, which improves blood flow smoothly and at the same time helps to strengthen capillaries and prevent aging of blood vessels.

5. Whole Grains

Regular consumption of whole grains such as brown rice and oats is also known to have a beneficial effect on cerebrovascularity. Rutin, which is abundant in whole grains, protects capillaries from free radicals and prevents cerebrovascular aging, which is beneficial in preventing cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke. In addition, it is known that it is effective in promoting the overall health of the cerebrovascular system by helping the excretion of cholesterol under the influence of abundant dietary fiber in whole grains.

6. Carrot

Carrots, which have a distinctive orange color, are a vegetable used as an ingredient in various dishes. Beta-carotene, which has excellent antioxidant power, is abundantly contained in carrots, and this amount is known to contain the largest amount of all green and yellow vegetables. The excellent antioxidant action of this rich beta-carotene component removes free radicals that cause damage and aging of blood vessels, and at the same time has an excellent effect in helping the release of LDL cholesterol, which penetrates into the blood vessel wall and creates inflammation. . In addition, this beta-carotene component is converted into vitamin A during the process of absorption into the body, so it is said to have a good effect in relieving eye fatigue and protecting eyesight.

7. Onion

Onion, which is widely used as a representative seasoning vegetable in Korean food, is also known to be excellent in helping cerebrovascular health. It is said that quercetin, which is abundantly contained in onions, acts to inhibit the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in blood vessels, thus playing an important role in the prevention of various cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, the allicin component, which gives onions a pungent taste, reduces the stiffening of blood vessels, prevents platelets from coagulating, and helps to dissolve fibrin in blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. Onion is known to help prevent cerebrovascular disease as well as vascular diseases such as high blood pressure, myocardial infarction and angina due to its excellent effect on improving vascular health.

8. Beans

Beans such as soybeans, black beans, and kidney beans are also known as foods with excellent utility for cerebrovascular health. Various components such as lecithin and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are abundantly contained in soybeans, act to lower LDL cholesterol levels and at the same time reduce triglycerides, so it is very helpful in protecting cerebrovascular and preventing cerebrovascular diseases. do. Also, because soybeans are rich in saponin, it is known to have a beneficial effect not only in lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, but also in purifying the blood by facilitating blood flow.

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