Home Health Causes of left lower abdominal pain in women

Causes of left lower abdominal pain in women


It can be said that it is a part that everyone experiences at least once in their daily life if they feel pain in the lower abdomen. In some cases, it is a temporary form that gradually recovers over time, but there are times when the pain continues. In particular, various symptoms, such as a tingling sensation and a feeling of heaviness, may be signs of suspecting the onset of a specific disease. So, today, based on women, I would like to learn about the various causes and specific diseases that can be suspected of pain in the lower left part of the abdomen.

Causes of left lower abdominal pain in women and suspected diseases

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Persistent pain in the lower left abdomen The first cause of irritable bowel syndrome may be suspected. Irritable Bowel Syndrome refers to dysfunction caused by overactive contractions of the colon muscles. The exact cause of the disease has not yet been clarified, and it is known that factors such as movement and sensory abnormalities of the colon, the interaction between the brain and the intestinal tract, abnormalities in the immune system, and stress affect the onset. The main symptoms are abdominal pain near the left lower abdomen, bloating like gas, and various symptoms such as difficulty in defecation. Since these symptoms tend to be exacerbated by the consumption of certain foods or stress, diet management is of the utmost importance, and if the symptoms worsen, you should seek appropriate treatment through a visit.

2. Diverticulitis

The second suspected disease is diverticulitis. It is an inflammatory disease caused by the accumulation of intestinal contents inside the diverticulum formed on the wall of the large intestine, causing pain in the area of ​​the left lower abdomen. In addition, various symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, pain, chills, and fever are also major symptoms that may accompany the onset of diverticulitis. The incidence of diverticulitis increases with age, and the incidence of diverticulitis is higher in the elderly. If the symptoms are mild, treatment is carried out using diet, antibiotics, and stool softeners. If there is no response to medical treatment, if diverticulum is repeated in the same area, or if complications such as intestinal obstruction and perforation occur, surgical treatment is recommended. can be enforced.

3. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a condition in which bacteria that have grown in the uterine cervix spread to the lining of the uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the abdominal cavity, causing inflammation. Pain is caused around the left lower abdomen, and the pain may appear repeatedly not only on the left but also on the right. It may also be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, chills, difficulty urinating, and changes in menstruation. As this pelvic infection is a complex infection of various bacteria in the pelvic organs, antibiotic treatment that is effective against all bacteria is carried out.

4. Ovarian Cyst

When an ovarian tumor, which is a malignant tumor of the ovary, develops, symptoms such as pain in the lower left abdomen, abdominal distension, indigestion, vaginal bleeding, and discomfort during urination may also appear. If these symptoms become severe, symptoms such as rupture or twisting of a mass in the abdominal cavity may occur, and symptoms such as intra-abdominal bleeding and acute abdominal pain may occur. To accurately diagnose these ovarian cysts, blood tests, pelvic ultrasound, CT, and MRI are performed. Ovarian cysts often disappear spontaneously over time, so if an ovarian cyst is suspected to be a physiological cyst, the course will be observed. However, if the mass is large or if it is suspected to be malignant on an imaging test, surgery is performed.

5. Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis, which is divided into acute and chronic according to the type of occurrence, causes severe epigastric pain when it occurs. In severe cases, pain may occur not only in the upper abdomen but also in the lower abdomen. In addition, if the condition progresses to a more severe condition, the pain may spread to the entire lower back and back. And it is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and jaundice and urine color may change to a reddish form. Therefore, if related symptoms appear, it is recommended to visit a hospital and receive an accurate examination.

6. Constipation

Constipation, one of the most common digestive disorders, which means the inability to pass a bowel movement normally, can cause pain in the left lower abdomen in severe cases. In addition, it can be accompanied by various symptoms such as feeling of incomplete bowel movements, hard stools, and a feeling of anorectal obstruction. In many cases, these symptoms of constipation are caused by factors such as insufficient water intake and eating habits that consume excessive meat and fatty foods. Therefore, in order to prevent constipation, it is important to drink enough water, and to eat foods that are rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber and lactic acid bacteria to help promote intestinal peristalsis in a balanced way.

Other causes and suspected diseases

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, lower abdominal pain can also be caused by several causes such as cystitis, endometriosis, enteritis, and PMS.

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