Home Health Causes of eye twitching and how to improve prevention

Causes of eye twitching and how to improve prevention


The symptoms of trembling under the eye or in one eye may appear suddenly in daily life. Even if these symptoms of tremors appear, they may gradually recover after a certain amount of time, but in some cases, the symptoms may continue. Eye twitching, especially lasting several months, may be suspected as a precursor to a specific disease. Therefore, if the symptoms of tremor are neglected and left unattended, the disease may get worse. Therefore, it is important to understand in more detail the various causes that affect eye tremor, and to implement solutions and preventive measures accordingly. Now, let’s take a closer look at the main causes that affect the occurrence of tremor, as well as various information on prevention and treatment.

What causes eye twitching?

One of the causes of eye twitching is the effect of a deficiency of magnesium, an essential mineral. Magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body and plays an essential role in various biochemical and physiological processes in the body, including nerves and muscles. A lack of magnesium, which plays such an important role, causes problems in maintaining cell membranes in nerves and muscles, causing tremor under the eye and one eye, and in severe cases, convulsions. Frequent exposure to excessive psychological stress can also cause eye twitching. Stress is a major risk factor that threatens health to the extent that it is called the root of all diseases. When excessive mental stress is applied, it is said that the rapid production of cortisol secreted by acute stress can cause problems in the metabolic function of the body and cause eye twitching. In addition, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of caffeine, and prolonged use of monitors and smartphones can also cause eye strain. Other than that, mismatched glasses and various allergy symptoms are also causes of eye twitching.

How to prevent and improve eye twitching

1. Eat foods that help improve symptoms

Insufficient magnesium intake is the main cause of eye twitching, so it is good to eat foods rich in magnesium in a balanced way. Bananas, broccoli, avocados, nuts and legumes are rich in magnesium, which relieves muscle tension and improves eye twitching by maintaining normal nerve function. In addition, green vegetables such as spinach, beetroot, and kale contain not only magnesium but also various foods such as lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and vitamin A that relieve eye fatigue and prevent dryness. It works.

2. Control excessive caffeine intake

Caffeine is a stimulant that is a type of alkaloid and is found in coffee, energy drinks, soda, and tea. By activating the sympathetic nervous system inside the body, it is effective in awakening the mind and increasing concentration. However, if consumed in excess, it causes various abnormal symptoms such as headache, insomnia, heart palpitations, and increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to make it a habit to properly control the intake of caffeine-containing coffee, beverages, and tea.

3. Improving exposure to excessive stress

Excessive mental and physical stress adversely affects blood vessels and overall body organs, and amplifies negative emotions such as depression and anxiety, acting as a representative risk factor that threatens health. In particular, such stress causes disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system, causing eye twitching and making it worse. Therefore, it is very important to continue leisure activities and hobbies to properly relieve stress and obtain emotional stability. In addition, not only stress, but also excessive and lack of sleep can cause eye twitching, so it is recommended to get enough rest and sleep to relieve fatigue.

4. Massage the muscles around the eyes

In order to prevent and manage eye twitching, an eye massage that gently relaxes the eyes is also said to help a lot. It is said that if you gently press the muscles around the eyes with your palms and at the same time gently press the gluteus maximus on the forehead in the same way, it is said to have a good effect in relieving muscle stiffness and tension. In particular, when you look at the monitor for a long time or take a break after using your smartphone for a long time, it is said that an eye massage helps relieve accumulated eye fatigue and relieves stiff muscles.

5. Diagnosis and treatment

If the symptoms such as convulsions and headaches continue to occur even after the various methods introduced above are continued, it can be suspected that the cause is caused by facial spasms and brain-related diseases. Therefore, if symptoms continue for a long time, it is recommended to visit a hospital for accurate diagnosis and examination by a specialist, and to proceed with appropriate treatment according to the diagnosis result.

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